I work with a group of people attempting to engage in disruptive permaculture. The concept is complex but complex and systemic challenges require systemic solutions. Our primary focus is systemic sustainability meaning environmentally, socially, and even economically sustainable development.
Our current efforts are focused on the introduction of food forests for the reforestation of two million hectares here in the Philippines first, and then expanding that program internationally.
Manpower will be comprised of individuals and families from the homeless and indigent population where they will be provided housing and education as well as paid employment.
Since I am new here I hope that serves as an introduction and perhaps I can find like minded people and get some feedback on the program. Domestically the program has been approved by the government of the Philippines and tentatively approved by the Green Climate Fund. However, due to the somewhat precarious state associated with our minimalist lifestyle we have burned through more computer repairs than we could handle so the final application package has been somewhat delayed.
Additional portions of the program include patented construction technology specifically designed for disaster response and mitigation. Other companies owned by the foundation will be formed based on the needs of the local community. It should be noted that in accordance with Philippines law, a minimum reinvestment of at least seventy percent of all proceeds must be used directly and specifically for humanitarian projects and programs and may not be used for administrative or overhead costs. Thus, at least seventy percent of each company formed will return at least seventy percent of profits directly to the people. The companies will also, by law, pay taxes in conjunction with generally accepted accounting practices or GAAP.
Department of labor and statistics indicate that up to fifteen percent of any workforce can be comprised of trainees with no meaningful experience without any detrimental impact on production levels. Thus at least ten percent of the workforce will be comprised of the formerly homeless and indigent population assisting them in their transition to becoming productive and contributing members of society.
Life skills training will also be included to assist in that same transition. This will include a variant of the Waldorf Steiner educational system as well as technical and vocational training and paid job options.