Start Up Energy Transition (SET)'s post

Hey #founders, would you like to benefit from free, individual mentoring from experts?
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Then apply now for #SETMentoring (in German): 🤝 Three-month, 1-1 consultations with experts from the German Energy Agency (dena) and umlaut company 📈 Optimization of the business model 👥 Exchange with other start-ups 🔑 Access to the SET Hub Advisory Board ...and all that for FREE! The cherry on top 🍒 Applying ASAP could get you free tickets to attend Berlin’s leading energy events – the SET Tech Festival and the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, at the end of March. Apply until 31 Jan and hop on board with the first kick-off meeting as early as from 30 March 👉

For more info on initiatives for Germany’s aspiring #energytech founders, be sure follow our sister project’s new page, SET Hub. This project aims to help start-ups in the national sphere, irrespective of their stage of maturity via workshops, coaching sessions and events. #SETHub #mentoring #coaching #startups
  • Kevin

    106 w

    incredible initiative

    • winnie nguru

      106 w

      Such a good initiative

      • Tabitha Kimani

        107 w

        A great initiative @dena


        Watch all the Davos Hub content!


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        We need to stop methane and #BuyMoreTime