Earlier this month, We Don’t Have Time arranged a fascinating webinar as part of its ongoing series for partner organisations to learn from each other and discuss how we can accelerate climate action across all sectors. However, we were almost unable to come together for the webinar due to the Texas power grid’s poor adaptation to the climate crisis. Here’s the story of what happened.
As part of our collaboration with We Don’t Have Time, Azelio is invited to attend webinars hosted by our fellow partners, to learn about their work and hear about actions to solve different climate and environmental challenges. This February, a webinar was hosted by Suraksha about a technology that protects mangroves from chemical damage, protecting one of our most significant carbon sinks.
A few hours before the webinar was supposed to begin, it was announced that it had to be postponed until the following week. The reason for the sudden change was that Austin, Texas, the home of webinar host Suraksha, was hit by a sudden freeze which impacted the power grid and knocked out internet access for hundreds of thousands of residents. This is a clear example of how the climate crisis can impact our energy infrastructure and disrupt our lives, and it will keep getting worse as we move further into the changed climate course that we are already locked into. With the power outage resolved by the following week, the webinar was eventually able to go ahead. 
The We Don’t Have Time partner webinar was due to be broadcast from Austin, Texas, until a severe winter storm caused a citywide power failure.
What could have been done to avoid the situation in Austin, and how can we prevent similar outages affecting people in other areas lacking a reliable grid connection? At Azelio, we see a clear solution: decentralised long-duration energy storage.
Renewable energy stored in long-duration solutions like the TES.POD can be made available to residents even if the main power grid fails, preventing interruptions like the one experienced in Austin earlier this month. This is of course one of many climate adaptation solutions needed in society as a whole, but it’s important to remember that transforming our ageing energy infrastructure and adding clean energy storage is essential to the green transition.
Power supply from decentralised energy storage will mitigate the impact of climate or weather disasters, and enable the introduction of wind and solar technologies on a high level. With more people than ever needing a source of stable electricity, energy storage can reduce blackouts, maintain system flexibility, and balance supply and demand, as we move deeper into the climate crisis and intensified disruption.
Even though we can do much to avoid the worst effects of climate chaos, the emissions that we have already caused will affect the climate in ways that we need to prepare for and protect our societies against. We need to find technologies and smart solutions to overcome this, which don’t contribute to further greenhouse gas emissions. Storing renewable energy to supply clean heat and electricity through the TES.POD system can help us achieve that.
If you want to learn more about how we can help communities secure their energy supply, take a look at our website:
101 w
Very interesting story to highlight the role of energy storage solutions!
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Energy storage is truly crucial!
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Its good to learn that Azelio has the solution to this huge problem which caused a one week delay.
102 w
Very educative case study with essential advice and solutions toward clean energy, etc.
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Fascinating story thatproves why it is so important to scale energy storage solutions!