UNDP's post

Every day, we are witnessing more frequent and devastating climate impacts around the world. Can humanity come together and turn things around?
We say yes. Here’s why.

  • Barbara Williams

    18 w

    It is with regret that I observe that your organisation does not recognise the need for humanity to return within the carrying capacity of Earth, and does not recognise the threat posed by pronatalism and growth economics. Until humanity return within the carrying capacity of Earth, nothing that we do is sustainable. Climate change is a symptom of ecosystems collapse caused by cultural patterns that perpetuate overconsumption and overpopulation. Every day we are escalating mass extinction and ecosystems collapse. Please consider promoting the proposed UN Charter for Ecological Justice, an aspiration to peacefully and equitably shrink both the global economy and population size until we return within the carrying capacity of Earth. The insights from I=PAT warn us of the dangers of applying growth economics during ecosystems collapse. Please check out my article explaining how to calculate Earth's carrying capacity, and offering suggestions how we might peacefully and equitably return within half the biocapacity of Earth; this would allow biodiversity to recover from the onslaught and loss of habitat that we are inflicting right now. https://app.wedonthavetime.org/posts/5b7db59b-a9d0-4ba0-b727-dfb0c6ee7b20 I urge your organisation to challenge anyone expressing aspirations to continue to grow the global economy and population; instead please explain to your influencers and partners that humanity must reduce its global needs to within half the biocapacity of Earth before we can achieve sustainability.

    • Adam Wallin

      18 w

      A 1.5C pathway would require significant shifts in policy and finance flows. But it is possible. We need to reimagine how we expect to run our societies and envision a sustainable world. I am cautiously hopeful for the next few years of climate action, we need to move fast though.


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