Climate love
Image of Kamoka Pearl

Kamoka Pearl

Climate love

Sustainable pearl farming

Pearl farming can destruct natural pearl oyster beds & ecosystems, but if done the right way it can have the opposite effect. On a French Polynesian island 300 miles Northeast of Tahiti this company shows how a sustainable pearl farming can improve local water & sea life, making the ecosystem better than it was when they started their business.   Brash and her family behind Kamoka Pearls uses solar and wind technologies to power all electricity used on their farm.  They clean oysters naturally, using fish instead of hoses to clean the shells. Their care for the local water has resulted in an increase in the health and number of fish species in the ocean waters where Kamoka Farm pearls are cultivated. – It surrounds us. It feeds us. It provides us our livelihood and constantly fills us with a state of wonder. Every day, we’re driven by a reality that, sadly, not many humans ever consider—we’re not the only ones who rely on our ocean to survive. Said Brash. No matter what we do, the key to sustainability is to do it with respect for nature, and with natures best in our interest. Inspiring work by Kamoka Farm! Read more:

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time

Kamoka Pearl

135 w

Thanks We Don't Have Time and Leo! We really appreciate it! Also thanks so Kevin at Pearls of Joy for the article in the link. We have a website, where people can learn more and you can buy our pearls directly from us. We are a small, family team who have worked passionately with all of our hearts to make our pearls what we hope to be the most green gem on the planet. We're still working on making them even more environmentally conscious, every day. - Celeste

  • We Don't Have Time

    135 w

    Dear Leo Alexander Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Kamoka Pearl and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

    • Kamoka Pearl

      135 w

      Thanks We Don't Have Time and Leo! We really appreciate it! Also thanks so Kevin at Pearls of Joy for the article in the link. We have a website, where people can learn more and you can buy our pearls directly from us. We are a small, family team who have worked passionately with all of our hearts to make our pearls what we hope to be the most green gem on the planet. We're still working on making them even more environmentally conscious, every day. - Celeste

    • Julie Cunningham

      136 w

      This is great to read about. But, what is sad, is that the pearls they find go in the same bag as the pearls collected by people who destroy. The pearls are not tagged as better, or sold at a higher price, or distinct from all the other pearls on the market. If we do not recognise people & organisations for their environmental "goodness" they have no incentive to do it. Fortunately, in this case, Nature provided the incentives herself.

      • Kamoka Pearl

        135 w

        Hi Julie, and thanks so much for your concern! Actually people can buy pearls directly from us on our website We've also started wholesaling exclusively from our own platform where designers receive certificates of authenticity and are authorized to use our story in their branding. It's true though that up to a couple years ago our only option was to sell to bulk wholesalers but we're doing our best to try and change that. We've been farming sustainably since the mid 90s without much fanfare, so we're very happy that we've finally come far enough along on our journey that we can reach buyers directly.

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