Climate love
78 w
143 more agrees trigger scaled up advertising
And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
How does this work?
73 w
Community engagement is very crucial towards achieving our goals. Keep up the good work.
78 w
Initiatives like this fellowship program demonstrate the power of grassroots efforts in achieving broader sustainability goals.
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education is the key towards climate change since it creates awareness
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With climate change education, we can make a difference in our communities
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This ia commendable effort to foster positive change in communities.
78 w
Empowering citizens through sharing of information is really incredible.
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This is indeed a commendable task. Congratulations
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It's a great initiative
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Climate education is an effective approach in fighting climate change. Kudos
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Knowledge is power, this is a great initiative to impact people with education.
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@joseph_githinji it's really good to sensitize people by giving them rightful information.
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It's important for them to understand how the climate is changing, so that they can prepare for the future.
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this is incredible
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Doing great job
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Great move. Iliteracy is bad.
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Education is key to addressing climate change.
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Engagement & commitment 🌳
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Great work they are doing.