Climate love
Image of SkiStar


Climate love

SkiStar is the first to test and develop an electric piste machine in Scandinavia

For the first time in the Scandinavian mountain world, SkiStar is testing a piste machine that is completely powered by electricity. Since 2015, SkiStar has switched from fossil fuels to renewable diesel in the piste machines in Sweden and the introduction of electric machines will make it easier for the entire ski industry to become more climate friendly. The test of the electric piste machine takes place at SkiStar Sälen, Tandådalen / Hundfjället.

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time


161 w

We are excited to continue our journey to climate-neutral ski-destinations. An electric snow groomer is a step in the right direction. The performers of the electric snow groomer have exceeded expectations. The electric snow groomer has high performance and delivers quality at the same or even better level than a traditional snow groomer. We see this as a win-win situation both for the environment, our gestures and our employees. Our industry goal in Sweden is to be fossil-free by 2027. To reach the target, we need several good initiatives and collaborations with partners and suppliers. This is an excellent example of who we would like to work with in the future.

  • SkiStar

    161 w

    We are excited to continue our journey to climate-neutral ski-destinations. An electric snow groomer is a step in the right direction. The performers of the electric snow groomer have exceeded expectations. The electric snow groomer has high performance and delivers quality at the same or even better level than a traditional snow groomer. We see this as a win-win situation both for the environment, our gestures and our employees. Our industry goal in Sweden is to be fossil-free by 2027. To reach the target, we need several good initiatives and collaborations with partners and suppliers. This is an excellent example of who we would like to work with in the future.

    • Ingmar Rentzhog

      161 w

      Thanks, Skistar. Keep it up. Support a lot of what you do. But please reconsider your investment and support of airports. There you have room for improvements.

    • Johannes Luiga

      161 w

      Great to hear!

      • We Don't Have Time

        161 w

        Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to SkiStar and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

        • Gabriel Kamakia

          161 w

          Good move

          • Muhammad Fahd Khan

            161 w

            Well done @SkiStar

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