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Monday was hottest day for global average temperature on record, as climate crisis bites
Heatwaves sizzled around the world from the US south and the north of Africa to China and Antarctica
1.5°C Breached for First Time During Northern Hemisphere Summer - EcoWatch
In the beginning of June, average temperatures worldwide climbed above 1.5 degrees Celsius for several days.
Pinned by Ingmar Rentzhog
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Update: the record is already broken!!! TWICE! Monday: Average global temperature hits 17.01°C (62.62°F), highest in 125,000 years Tuesday: Record climbs to 17.18°C, beats Monday's Thursday: Record climbs to 17.23°C, beats Tuesday's 3 hottest days in 125,000 years in 4 days
Businesses and leaders will listen and reply on We Don't Have Time
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Record broken time and again
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super worrying, why is this not making the frontpage??
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@sarah_chabane just turning a blind eye🥺
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Fossil fuels are still so powerful and lobbying governments everywhere..1.5° is is in the past.
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Update: the record is already broken!!! TWICE! Monday: Average global temperature hits 17.01°C (62.62°F), highest in 125,000 years Tuesday: Record climbs to 17.18°C, beats Monday's Thursday: Record climbs to 17.23°C, beats Tuesday's 3 hottest days in 125,000 years in 4 days
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It’s sad to note a ''death sentence'' for people and ecosystems is already here with us, I wish world governments can act collectively and ban fossil fuels, which is the biggest contributor of this changes, and turn to renewable energies... But my fear and of many, probability of governments failing their peoples is high!
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Crazy that this is happening, unfortunately a lot of people still see it as isolated events. We need more system thinking in our media reports.
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@Adam_Wallin Yes we do. Unfortunately, the news I shared above was not the frontpage news anywhere.