Climate love
Image of James Cameron

James Cameron

Climate love

It is time for high carbon industries to opt a low carbon future

In the second podcast in Fossil vs Future, James Cameron and his god-daughter Daisy Nicholas discuss one of the most obvious and pertinent question: What about the fossil fuel companies.


most probably out for concern for her generations and younger ones starts from very basics like what is fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are substances, which are formed from decomposition of plants and animals that died millions of years ago. Coal, oil, natural gases are example of fossil fuel. It consists of Carbon and Hydrogen. Burning of fossil fuels produces enormous amount of energy but it also burdens our lungs with toxic pollutants and our atmosphere with Green House Gas (GHG) like CO2 and Methane (CH4).

Fossil fuels are used in production of plastics and many more daily usable. Daisy quotes from IEA (International Energy Agency) that fossil fuels are accounted globally for 80% of total energy production, 85% of CO2 emission and 65% of global GHG generation. There are GHGs other than CO2 and, therefore, the percentage contribution for CO2 emission vary from that of total GHGs. IPCC (Inter governmental Panel for climate change) has unambiguously identified fossil fuel as primary cause of global warming. In fact the fossil fuel emission was blamed for emission even in 1954.

James Cameron at this point reminds young Daisy about huge dependency of human civilization on fossil fuel based energy and products. Phenomenal innovations, technological marvels, astronomical investment has taken in fossil fuel sectors. These giant companies are led and managed by intelligent and powerful people, who influences politics and economy to maintain the supremacy of fossil fuel sectors across the globe. One of the greatest advantages of fossil fuel is its’ energy density.

Transgression from agricultural economy to industrial economy to highly developed economy has occurred world wide because of energy generation by fossil fuel based industries. It is a source of pride for many powerful economy. These companies made unfathomable profit and created huge wealth for their owners.These companies are investing in pension funds but are risking the future of pensioners by causing health issues and adverse weather. They lobby against restricting GHG emissions and these powerful and skillful people influences the system against renewable energy generation. IEA for many years used to publish documents indicating the bleak future of renewable. IEA used persistently undermine RE initiatives. James recalls that he used to counter those predictions by citing the Green Peace reports, which used to predict the future more accurately. The growth of fossil fuel based industries were never a clean growth. Serious health impacts and climate changes has been caused by emission from these units have often overshadowed their positive contributions.

James here alerts Daisy and her generation that “transformation in system is driven by people who really wants the outcome.” “Don’t build cathedral on Cost Benefit Analysis”, at times CBAs are not worthy. The fossil fuel based giants have ruled the economy for a long time until emergence of e-commerce.

Off late there is also a big change in language and narratives of IEA report. Introduction of EVs (electric vehicles) at global scale has impacted the world wide liquid fossil fuel demand in transport sectors. IEA, after the seeing undeniable findings of IPCC, analysis of demand curves , performances of renewable, recently has stated that there is no justification for continuing investment in new ventures of fossil fuels. This is a significant shift from their previous stand.

However, the trade and management of existing shall continue as the governments have already made commitments. It is good to see that deploying of money for exploitation and extraction is ending. Expansion of fossil fuel based companies need development of infrastructure like ports road for transport of coal or oil. Renewable need different types of infrastructural support because light is ubiquitous and there is no need for bulk transport like that of fossil fuel based industries. It is time for investing to enable the faster growth of renewable. James also opined that it is better to separate the renewable companies from their parent fossil fuel companies because both are contesting for same sector of energy and transport.

James invites the generation of Daisy to focus on areas of improvement for renewable as the people of generation of James are mostly stuck in fossil fuel based comfort zones. They are failing to see beyond and explore how battery storage issues can be resolved for renewable. Digital management of grid helps in improving the efficiency.

Energy security is also higher for renewable because solar light is available everywhere. Uncertainty in power generation due to non availability of fossil fuel import like the one EU faced due to recent war is not going to happen for RE.

Daisy’s mind riveted against the “what about” question and she asks what is to be done with big fossil fuel based companies, which are now reversing their climate commitments.

Vision of her Godfather, who fought and won many battles in field of environment and climate change is clear and unambiguous.
1.These units must face peer group pressure through scrutiny of their facts and figures
2.Bursting of myths, breaking the iron shield, challenging the supremacy of fossil fuel sectors, mobilizing media pressures are the tools to be adapted win this battle.
3.Political battles are to be fought for betterment of all.

James from his deeper wisdom cited and analyses examples of nations, states and regions.

African countries are experiencing win win situation because of solar grids.
California is opting for 100% renewable services. The percentage of fossil fuel in energy mix of transport sector has reduced to 2% from 40-50%. James also assured Daisy the cost of increase in power for consumers are not for introduction of renewable but for other policy decisions of Government.

It is time for channelize the subsidy, which is provided to fossil fuel industry by means of public money/ infrastructural support/ tax differential or allowing externalities to foster growth of renewable.

By comparing the approach of India and China James show how choice of source of power is influencing both of democracy and autocracy. In China the industries enjoy cheap fossil fuel based power. India with huge coal reserve and dependence on oil import is trying to expand the RE to address energy poverty issues.

The fossil fuel based companies are now required to transition to low carbon future gracefully because many of these anti RE giants are investing and REs and monitoring the growth of RE closely for changing the course in right time.

The bottom line remains public money can not be used any more for doing something which actually harms public. The time for transition of high carbon units to low carbon future is very near.

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