Climate love
41 w
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And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
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40 w
It's about times appropriate rules were made so as to ensure people take responsibility of their Emissions and reduce the emissions.
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Dear Gorffly mokua Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to US EPA by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Varsa, We Don't Have Time
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Coal should just be abolished.
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I hope they follow the rules to the letter so we can begin to see the change we have all longed for
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EPA just took a critical step to address climate change and reduce air pollution
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This link is most probably not working
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This is an important step in transitioning the energy sector towards lower-carbon alternatives.
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It's about time! These new emission rules from the EPA are a critical step towards reducing pollution and safeguarding public health.
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EPA is doing great, this are great rules and any coal power plant found violating the rules should be closed for good or rather they should be phased out completely for a better world