86 w
Avskaffa de klimatskadliga subventionerna
Klimatskadliga subventioner gör det billigare att använda fossila bränslen och släppa ut växthusgaser. Varje år går många miljarder till att subventionera klimatskadlig verksamhet.
Naturskyddsföreningen – vi står upp för naturen
Naturskyddsföreningen är Sveriges största miljöorganisation. Vi sprider kunskap, bildar opinion och påverkar beslutsfattare – lokalt, nationellt och globalt.
139 more agrees trigger scaled up advertising
Businesses and leaders will listen and reply on We Don't Have Time
85 w
This is more of a talk shop and zero action
86 w
We need actions not mouthing
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Dear Tomas Roovete Thank you for getting your climate warning to level 2! We have reached out to Regeringskansliet and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Ford We Don't Have Time
86 w
Scraping off the subsidies will scrap off the fossil fuels in the long run. Continued subsidization keeps the fossil fuels afloat and that shouldn't be the case whatsoever.
86 w
Swedish government should consider been led by the climate agendas, Renewable and Sustainable. That way, they will be able to make the right decision
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The Swedish government is supposed to take the right action and follow the right green goals.
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Actions are strong than words
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Indeed, actions in place of talks
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Swedish government need to take fossils fuels matter very seriously action
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We have been talking for more that 50 years!!!!
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@tabitha_kimani that's ridiculous,that nothing substantial comes out of the talks
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Now we need more of actions than just words
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With no action at hand will continue lagging behind, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rapidly rising.