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Swedish Plastic Recycling - About plastic recycling
Learn about the plastic's way through the entire recycling chain and how we take care of our waste to reach our environmental goals.
Swedish Plastic Recycling - About us
We offer a nationwide system for collecting and recycling of plastic packaging in Sweden to companies who have an extended producer responsibility.
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And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
How does this work?
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Dear Sven Nilson Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Svensk PlastĂĄtervinning by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time
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Sure,by recycling plastic pollution of environment will be reduced
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Recycling plastic will help deal with pollution in the world but still single used plastics should be eliminated
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Recycling is creation, this should be encouraged by all means.
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This is a commendable step forward in the journey toward a circular economy for plastics
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Recycling and creating a circular economy is the key.