Climate love
Image of Svensk PlastĂĄtervinning

Svensk PlastĂĄtervinning

Climate love

Making plastic circular By not recycling plastics we are wasting our resources.

Making plastic circular
By not recycling plastics we are wasting our resources. Therefore, we have decided that all plastic packaging in this country should be recycled so that it can become new plastic products. We have built the largest and most efficient plant for plastic recycling in Europe, thereby taken a big step towards our vision. Thanks to our fully automated technology, we sort different plastic types with maximum precision, which helps to reduce waste and ensure that as much as possible can become new plastic products. And best of all, we have the capacity to collect and handle all plastic packaging from all households in Sweden.
The video is a recommended description of the process.

You can of course study yourself on the site.

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  • We Don't Have Time




    76 w

    Dear Sven Nilson Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Svensk PlastĂĄtervinning by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time

    • bonke reinhard


      76 w

      Sure,by recycling plastic pollution of environment will be reduced

      • Edwin wangombe



        76 w

        Recycling plastic will help deal with pollution in the world but still single used plastics should be eliminated

        • Joseph Githinji



          76 w

          Recycling is creation, this should be encouraged by all means.

          • George Kariuki


            76 w

            This is a commendable step forward in the journey toward a circular economy for plastics

            • Patrick Kiash




              76 w

              Recycling and creating a circular economy is the key.


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