Climate love
Image of The Great Bubble Barrier®

The Great Bubble Barrier®

Climate love

Catching plastic over the fu­ll width and depth of rivers and preventing plastic from ending up in the ocean.

Although at first it was thought that plastic pollution was a faraway problem floating out in the middle of the ocean, it is now clear that plastic is everywhere, including in the water we drink and the air we breathe. Plastic carried by water flows towards the sea and causes plastic pollution to reach the oceans. Rivers, or canals for example, transport a lot of plastic to the sea. To stop waste from floating from the canals to the rivers and seas, The Great Bubble Barrier came up with an idea. They created a bubble curtain by pumping air through a perforated tube on the bottom of the waterway. The bubble curtain creates an upward current which directs the plastics to the surface. By placing the Bubble Barrier diagonally in the river, the natural flow will push the plastic waste to the side and into the catchment system. From here it will be removed from the water for processing. Read more about their concept here and their findings already with the Bubble Barrier in Amsterdam 👉

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time

The Great Bubble Barrier®

147 w

Thanks We Don’t Have Time and for all supporters of cleaner oceans. The fight against plastic pollution is far from being over and we need everyone involved. From citizens to businesses, NGOs and governments, we all have a role to play. Know a place where we could place a Bubble Barrier? Reach out to us and let’s make every river plastic free.

  • Patrick Kiash

    146 w

    That's awesome!

    • The Great Bubble Barrier®

      147 w

      Thanks We Don’t Have Time and for all supporters of cleaner oceans. The fight against plastic pollution is far from being over and we need everyone involved. From citizens to businesses, NGOs and governments, we all have a role to play. Know a place where we could place a Bubble Barrier? Reach out to us and let’s make every river plastic free.

      • We Don't Have Time

        150 w

        Dear Plastic Soup Foundation Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to The Great Bubble Barrier® and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

        • Victor Erik Ramos

          150 w

          Sounds like a good idea, I assume the effect on wildlife is rather small?

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