Climate love
Image of La Ferme du Bec Hellouin

La Ferme du Bec Hellouin

Climate love

This couple’s farming methods could be a solution to the climate emergency

In 2004, Perrine and Charles Hervé-Gruyer gave up their job (in international law and in sailing) to try to make a living from farming, using sustainable and ecologically restorative methods. They had no expertise or previous experience in growing, but had one goal: reconnect with nature and produce healthy things for their family. So, they created La Ferme Biologique du Bec Hellouin in Normandy, France. They took inspiration from different growing practices from around the globe and combined them with the latest science to develop their own ecologically sound and bio-intensive growing practices. La Ferme Biologique is now a leading center for the practice of small-scale ecological permaculture and has received international recognition from scientific institutions and leaders in their field. The underlying principles of permaculture to which Perrine and Charles adhere involve working with nature rather than against it; to facilitate highly productive crop growth while maintaining or even increasing biodiversity on the farm and have a positive impact on the ecological and climate environments. They use a method of “no-dig” farm, work the land by hand, rotate crops, and don’t use pesticides! “Working by hand means that small spaces can be incredibly productive; with at least ten times higher yield than in organic mechanized farming. That means that we produce the same amount of vegetables in an area that is ten times smaller. We use nine-tenths of the land to plant trees, welcome animals, and create ponds, hedges, and gardened forests; a very complex and diversified agro-ecosystem. Nature is extremely productive, and by trying to simulate life processes, we get an abundance of fruits and vegetables,” says Charles. Their bio-intensive methods increase the opportunity for carbon capture and storage and nutrient availability when compared to conventional agriculture practices; improving the soil for further growth while also having a positive impact on the environment. And it is not only ecologically sustainable, but it is also economically viable! This farm of 20 hectares produces over 380 varieties of fruit, vegetables, herbs, and medicinal plants. They supply local customers and high-end restaurants alike and can produce up to 100 veg boxes a week. With the help of a research team led by François Léger of AgroParisTech, and in partnership with the French National Institute for Agriculture Research, they undertook a scientific study to prove that small-scale permaculture could be equivalent or even superior to traditional methods in terms of its economic viability. The results of the study are conclusive; the output achieved from 1000m2 of gardens is enough to support one person, full-time, working 44 hours per week, with €54,300 net gross sales a year, through vegetable sales alone. The couple believes that working small can have global effects. According to Charles, “each one of these small farms can become a carbon sink, an oasis of biodiversity, a place where the soil is regenerated, a place where abundance is created for local communities”. And, the positive results of their study and the impacts their methods have on the local environment have caught the attention of European agencies responsible for planning food security strategies. “If this approach, inspired by the natural world, and which creates abundance, is spread rapidly, then perhaps a catastrophe can be avoided. There is an unimaginable potential to be gained the day that these simple techniques inspired by nature start to be dispersed around the billion small farmers,” says Charles. This is the kind of initiative I love and I hope it will be replicated around the world. Check their website (FR and ENG): To go more in-depth (ENG): Watch this very good documentary about them (FR):

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  • We Don't Have Time

    94 w

    Dear Marine Stephan Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to La Ferme du Bec Hellouin and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

    • Muhammad Fahd Khan

      102 w


      • Edwin wangombe

        102 w

        Impressive 👍😁.. world farmers should adopt this

        • Marine Stephan

          102 w

          There are probably many different small initiatives like that around the world, but I hope more and more people will start that and adapt it to their local environment

        • Aude Boulord

          102 w

          Really impressive how much effort they've put into this.

          • Marine Stephan

            102 w

            In the documentary, they say they didn't expect it to be this hard and almost gave up many many times, but now, here they are and this is so great!

            • Aude Boulord

              102 w

              @marine_stephan Interesting to know :) I guess most successes go through this feeling of wanting to give up quite often

            • Jacqueline Marchelli

              102 w

              Really awesome and I hope it will inspire others

              • Marine Stephan

                102 w

                It is such a great initiative. They really started from nothing and managed to do all of this, it is truly inspiring. They also aim at spreading the word and their methods by creating education content (books), giving conferences, and having workshops

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