Climate love
Image of PANDORA


Climate love

No More Mined Diamonds

Pandora, the world leader in jewelry, stops completely with mined diamonds, only lab-made from now on The Danish company, best known for its charm bracelets, already does not include mined diamonds in most of its pieces. From the 85 million pieces it sells a year, only about 50 ,000 of them include precious stones. But from now on, none of them will. Pandora will release its first collection using lab -made diamonds, Pandora Brilliance, in the UK, expanding it to other markets in 2022. Pandora also says its lab-made gems are grown from carbon with more than 60% renewable energy on average, a ratio that is set to rise to 100% next year. Diamonds are still subject to great ethical concern in the supply chain . The Kimberley Process, established in 2003, was supposed to remove conflict diamonds but has proven not to work that well. LVMH-owned Tiffany & Co has also launched its own blockchain-based register of newly sourced, individually registered diamonds that trace a stone’s path all the way back to the mine. See more:

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150 w

Thanks for your support! We are happy that we can now offer affordable diamond jewellery to our customers while at the same time progressing on our climate ambitions. If you are interested, we have published a document with more sustainability information on our lab-created diamonds, incl how they are made and how we have achieved carbon neutral certification for the collection, its packaging and transportation: Becoming a low-carbon business is a key strategic priority for Pandora, and we are on course to be carbon-neutral in our own operations by 2025. Our crafting facilities in Thailand account for half of our global energy consumption, and in 2020 we switched to 100% renewable energy sourced from local solar projects. Last year we also completed our first greenhouse gas profile for our full value chain. The mapping shows that 83% of our total emissions occurred upstream or downstream in the supply chain while 17% came from our own operations. Later this year, we will announce a goal to reduce these Scope 3 emissions in line with the Science Based Targets initiative. The choice of raw materials is one of the most important components, and for that reason Pandora has decided to use only recycled silver and gold by 2025 and move to lab-created diamonds. You can read more about how we work to reduce our climate impact in our most recent sustainability report, published in May:

  • Anette Nordvall

    133 w

    Live this!

    • Felicia Widing

      144 w

      This makes me happy!

      • PANDORA

        150 w

        Thanks for your support! We are happy that we can now offer affordable diamond jewellery to our customers while at the same time progressing on our climate ambitions. If you are interested, we have published a document with more sustainability information on our lab-created diamonds, incl how they are made and how we have achieved carbon neutral certification for the collection, its packaging and transportation: Becoming a low-carbon business is a key strategic priority for Pandora, and we are on course to be carbon-neutral in our own operations by 2025. Our crafting facilities in Thailand account for half of our global energy consumption, and in 2020 we switched to 100% renewable energy sourced from local solar projects. Last year we also completed our first greenhouse gas profile for our full value chain. The mapping shows that 83% of our total emissions occurred upstream or downstream in the supply chain while 17% came from our own operations. Later this year, we will announce a goal to reduce these Scope 3 emissions in line with the Science Based Targets initiative. The choice of raw materials is one of the most important components, and for that reason Pandora has decided to use only recycled silver and gold by 2025 and move to lab-created diamonds. You can read more about how we work to reduce our climate impact in our most recent sustainability report, published in May:

        • We Don't Have Time

          150 w

          Dear Adam Wallin Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to PANDORA and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /We Don't Have Time

          • Hanna Grönstedt

            150 w

            Artificial diamonds are just as pretty and ethically more desirable and I applaud @Pandora for taking this stance! 💎

            • Raul Cervantes

              151 w

              Ideal scenario carbon comes from air filtration! 🙏 Thanks for sharing 😁 interesting

              • Adam Wallin

                151 w

                Yes! Imagine carbon sequestration as diamonds - that must be one of the sturdiest carbon storage there is!

              • NOT1BEAN

                151 w

                Great initiative, it’s illegal mining ops like gold mines here in Colombia that cause untold environmental and social damage.

                • Susanne Wedin-Schildt

                  151 w

                  Love this! Every industry should set up bold targets turning every stone to replace processes and products sustainably! “Sustainable replacements” is just as important as digital transformation.

                  • Sofia Gayoso

                    151 w

                    You'd think they'd have stopped a long time ago. Isn't mining more expensive than lab gems?

                    • Adam Wallin

                      151 w

                      It would make sense that it's cheaper once it's set up, but the development might come with some initial costs. I hope they benefit from it from now on so that others can follow their example.

                      • Nevahirdova

                        149 w

                        Lab diamonds usually cost about 30% less than natural diamonds of comparable size and quality. You are Right Sofia.

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