We Don't Have Time's post

📢 Join us for "Below 1.5 by 2025: The Plan" hosted by UNDP, live at the United Nations Headquarters in #NewYorkCity featuring António Guterres, Achim Steiner, Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Ato Essandoh, Simon Stiell, Cassie Flynn and more #climateleaders. 💫 - Live: April 23 / 21:00 CEST/3:00 pm EDT 2023 marked the hottest year on record, with climate disasters wreaking havoc on life, health, and economies worldwide. Now, we must seize the opportunity to keep global warming below 1.5°C. 🌡️ Don't miss this event & #calltoaction. Hear about innovative approaches to the climate crisis, proven solutions and experiences across 150 countries. 🌎

📅 April 23 / 21:00 CEST/3:00 pm EDT Register now:

#ClimateAction #undp #Unitednations #climateaction #actnow #climatecrisis #weatherkids #earthday
  • Kevin

    38 w

    This was massive ! A real educational platform with a brilliant line up

    • Paul Pearson

      38 w


      • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

        38 w

        Wow💚this is such an interesting event

        • Annett Michuki..

          38 w

          quite inspiring,

          • Peter Muraya

            38 w

            Waiting for the event

            • johnte ndeto

              38 w

              Eagerly waiting

              • Sarah Chabane

                38 w

                "What we are seeing is only the preview of the disaster of what awaits us unless we limit the long-term rise in rising temperatures to 1.5C" - Once again, Antonio Guterres right on point.

                • Johannes Luiga

                  38 w

                  Will be great

                  • We Don't Have Time Kenya Chapter

                    39 w

                    Looking forward

                    • Saustine Lusanzu

                      39 w

                      Looking forward to attending

                      • DIPANJANA MAULIK

                        39 w

                        Gratitude for an enriching session. Yes I can do few things alone but I can do lot many things "when you stand by me". It is so crucial to stand by each other during this climate emergency. It is so heartening to connect through the song at the end. The plan for below 1.5 degree is a great idea. It was great to see the elder brothers and sisters of weather kids from Iran, Mali, Dominica, Canada, Rowanda, Brazil, Denmark, Morocco, Ecuodor, North M., USA, Mongolia, Lebanon, Pakistan, Republic of Maltova, Kenya to come forward and demanding for climate action and intervention for air pollution in most respectfully and lovingly manner from the global leaders at the beginning. It was morally boosting to listen for bold climate action in 3rd generation NDC. Ofcourse, it is worth trying for below 1.5 degree through NDC and it's implementations. UN head reminded us that Coparnico climate services has identified this March as hottest Match but still everything is not gloom and doom. UNDP is supporting 128 countries for preparation of NDCs. Energy, Landuse, Agriculture is to be emphasised. Here, I would most humbly add "water", which is surely in the list but most probably has not been mentioned in the excellent speech. The OECD countries are asked for mandatory phasing out of coal by 2030. He has not only provided the to do list but also called for moving the money. He has asked the G20 countries, whose contribution is 80% in GHG emission to lead in ways to move the money towards clean and green investment. He asked for redirecting the fund flows to relieve the countries, which are suffocating with debt. Loss and damage find is a possible source. Fossil fuel is a common enemy in a world where cost of ice is more than cost of bread and rice. Inaction is leading to erosion of trust in global leadership. Rebuilding of trust is so much important. Heat wave is devastating from Jamanica to Mali. It was great to listen to the actions initiated by all the world leaders who participated in the discussion including UAE, current presidency. The ambition, assertion, determination are contagious. It feels everything is possibly when "you stand by me". Moving the money movement of WDHT is gaining momentum past. Communication and collaboration are the keys. Gratitude for showing path of breaking the glass by connecting the hearts.

                        • Ignacio Pernil

                          39 w

                          Mientras unos creamos un sueño, otros están en la pesadilla. Lo mismo que gastan impuestos en armas y no legislan para sembrar bosques, de especies en extinción, que talaron para hacer barcos, muebles, casas, coches, arte, etc... cómo si la energía acumulada durante millones de años, por esas especies arrasadas, pudieran aportarlo otras, ¿nunca llegara a valorarse?, y reponerse de igual modo, siembran para cobrar cada 5 años, despreciando el valor de la especie que sustituyen en el aire, ... y los científicos superficiales y ocultos en el silencio de sus cuentas bancarias, y doctorarse para callar la verdad, a cambio de trabajo bien remunerado. Como parte del valor fundamental, que ilumina el conocimiento, comprendiendo todo, y no considerarse como tal, porque la mayor teta de la humanidad, la soporta la indiferencia al conocimiento, la ignorancia que aceptan todos, desde la baja autoestima, para verse incapaces de crecer en todo horizonte, acomodados en un orden de quien administra robando la evolución humana, hay que conseguir informar a la población mundial, tienen baja o alta autoestima, están perdidos en la eternidad de su espíritu, con el desorden intelectual, emocional, físico, ... de su espíritu, que quiere intervenir con conocimiento, coherencia y poder

                          • Victor Erik Ramos

                            39 w

                            Very encouraging to see that the UN leadership highlighted the importance of keeping the 1.5 degree target alive!

                            • Edwin wangombe

                              39 w

                              I can't wait to gather the wisdom

                              • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

                                39 w

                                I look forward to this amazing session

                                • Sarah Chabane

                                  39 w

                                  Looking forward to this event, such a line up!

                                  • DIPANJANA MAULIK

                                    39 w

                                    I am looking forward for the plan adnd I m also hoping for an early implementation of the plan.


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                                    We need to stop methane and #BuyMoreTime