Positive takeway in seafront if Nature Based Solutions are seriously upsaceled and implemented
Ocean-atmosphere forcing functions govern global climate. Deep ocean acts as one of the largest carbon reserves. Disturbances in ocean environment are, therefore, causing perturbation in the stability of climate. But with increase in GHG content in the atmosphere, the dynamics of exchange of CO2 from air to ocean water is also changing. Ocean scientists are sending serious alerts for quite a long time now. It is good to see that the world leaders, policy makers and other key actors have started to respond to this alarm call. Adaption of Nature Based Solutions for oceans and GHG reduction strategy by IMO (International Maritime Organization) are emerging as major options for transformation towards a sustainable future.
Age-old policies on the ocean are now being reviewed for marine biodiversity conservation, adaptation & mitigation strategies, environment restoration, economic development and coastal protection. The Twine notion of “30x30” is a harbinger of hope and positivity amidst the despair of unfulfilled ambitions of setting ideal mitigation targets. Global target has been set to effectively conserve and manage at least 30 percent of the world’s terrestrial and inland water areas, and of marine and coastal areas by 2030”. UNDP has adopted a historic agreement for achieving this 30x30 target.
Target of IMO for 30x30 reduction
IMO (International Maritime Organization) has also set a target of reducing the GHG emission by 30% of 2008’s level by 2050. Resourceful UN:CC classroom recently provided a nice overview on this subject. International shipping carries 90% of global trade. The volume of trade has sharply increased in the past fifty years. In 1970, the loaded volume of global scale seaborne trade was 2605 million tonnes but in 2019 the same has become 11076 million tonnes. Over 100000 ships are involved in international shipping. 99% of large trading ships still use fossil fuels. GHG emission has increased by 20% in the last decade. Currently, global shipping emissions contribute to around 3% of total global GHG emissions. But there are predictions that this will grow to more than 8% by 2050. The maritime transport is also responsible for discharge of waste oil and noxious liquid, harmful substances, waste from packaging material, garbage waste, water discharges, air pollution, GHG emissions and noise pollution.
The steps to be taken for reaching the reduction target by IMO (MEPC 80-17-Add.1 - Report Of The Marine Environment Protection Committee on Its Eightieth Session (Secretariat) (
) shall include improvement of energy efficiency of ships shall be improved as design requirement of ships. New ships shall also be strengthened to reduce the carbon intensity.
Intermediate check points have also been finalized for monitoring the progress of GHG emission reduction targets:
· to reduce the total annual GHG emission from international shipping by at least 20% striving for 30% by 2030 compared to 2008 and
· to reduce the total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 70% striving for 80% by 2040 compared to 2008.
The positive outlook of IMO is laudable and needs to be more shared for encouraging other sectors to take up similar initiatives. Further, the GHG emission approaches adopted at marine sea should also be replicated for riverine maritime transport. GHG reduction in riverine maritime transport can help states and regions to contribute in meeting voluntary GHG mitigation targets.
However, marine transportation is one of the most cost effective and environmentally acceptable mode of transport and there is enough room for improvement.
More than 1.8 million seafarers mainly from developing countries are major working force. The world trade continues to grow faster now, highly trained and qualified seafarers and other professionals will be needed soon. Making human resources ready for sustainable energy efficient operations as a livelihood option is another possible scope in this sector.
Reduction of CO2 by nature-based solutions in Ocean environment
Reduction of emission from international shipping is a new tool in ocean front but the Ocean itself is contributing in large scale GHG reduction through the mangroves, sea grasses, seabeds, seafloor ocean sediments. Each component are capturing carbon from time immemorial and thus are silently contributing in removal of CO2 from the atmosphere at global scale. UNCC has just conducted two side events (…) on Ocean. Focused attention is now being given to quantify such carbon captures at sea and deep sea.
NOAA has started a blue carbon inventory project with case study locations as Ghana and Indonesia. A current estimate suggests that 9 million MT CO2, which is equivalent to combustion of three and half billion gallon gasoline by cars, is being removed by Seas.
Plastic pollution is impacting ocean and marine lives. Academic institutions, NGOs, Philanthropic organizations, citizens are joining hands to stop this plastic menace. Fishing industries are now using remote sensing and electronic based systems for better productiveness.
Marine protected areas and climate change - resource | IUCN reports that only 6.35% of the area of ocean is declared as Marine Protected Areas. Only 1.89% are truly not take MPAs. Experts and panelists emphasized strengthening the data portal on Ocean and climate and to enable scientific data-based decision making.
Components of nature-based solutions are classified as provisional services, regulation services, supporting services and cultural services. Under provisional services the timber flute and charcoal production are considered, under regulating services flood, storm and erosion control, prevention of saltwater intrusion carbon sequestration are considered. Global mangrove-coastal protection are valued as US $ 69 billion as by 2009 estimate. Carbon sequestration using carbon credit and voluntary carbon market are other options to be considered. In regulatory services, breeding of spawning, Cultural services as tourism education needs to be considered.
Additional new options to be considered under deep sea ecosystem goods and services.
The provision services will include carbon capture and storage, fishing, shellfish,oil and gas and minerals, chemical compounds for industries and waste disposal site. Supporting services shall include nutrient cycling, water cycling, habitat resilience, primary productivity, regulating services can include guess and climate regulations water, remediation and ecological, cultural services will enclose education and knowledge of the indigenous people, fisheries genetic resources, deep seabed mining, spiritual and cultural programs oil and gas exploration.
It seems at least in the oceanic front few assertive actions are being taken.
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Nature-based solutions have the potential to enhance biodiversity, and build resilient communities.
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The commitment to upscale and implement Nature-Based Solutions for oceans, as seen in global initiatives and the target set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), signifies a positive shift in addressing climate challenges. The "30x30" approach for marine biodiversity conservation and the IMO's target of reducing GHG emissions demonstrate a collective effort towards sustainability. While marine transportation faces challenges, such as plastic pollution, the ocean itself contributes significantly to GHG reduction through mangroves, sea grasses, and seabeds. Recognizing the multi-faceted contributions of nature-based solutions in ocean environments is a crucial step toward a more sustainable future.