Climate love
Image of Pieter Pot

Pieter Pot

Climate love

Circular supermarket packaging

We mainly go to the supermarket for our daily food. Here most of the food is packaged in disposable packaging of different composition. These one-way packaging cause an enormous mountain of waste and produces a lot of Co2. That could be better thought Pieter-pot. The idea of circular packaging was developed and is now in a scale-up phase with enormous growth acceleration. The success is so great that, in addition to the 9,000 customers, there are 15,000 customers on the waiting list. This is such a good idea that it deserves a climate love. It is also scalable and can be rolled out in multiple countries. The problem There is a huge lump of plastic waste in the world. This bump grows every day because plastic does not decay. Much of this bulge consists of packaging that is only used once. The plastic packaging is, for example, around your breakfast toppings, the mixed nuts during lunch and the pasta for your dinner. This way your garbage bag fills up quickly every day with all that packaging! The stumbling block One solution would be to go to special packaging-free stores with your own pots and trays. But in practice, that's where the problem lies. Everyone wants to get rid of packaging waste, but the effort this takes is the stumbling block. That is why very few packaging-free stores in the Netherlands have survived. Making sustainable attractive for everyone To really make an impact, we also need to make the sustainable option the most attractive option. Just like Tesla, who was the first to make sustainable driving sexy, Tony Chocolonely who also makes fair trade chocolate the tastiest chocolate. We all know that we are constantly polluting our planet with large amounts of packaging waste, but we do not act on it, because it often takes too much effort. That is why we want to make packaging-free groceries with Pieter Pot the nicest way of shopping: easily delivered to your home, packed in beautiful pots instead of disposable packaging. The price must also be attractive, which is why our prices are comparable to the supermarkets. The circular solution We buy products directly from the producer in bulk, and we fill glass preserving jars with your groceries. Not only beautiful in your kitchen, but these pots make Pieter Pot circular. There is a deposit on these pots. With your next order, Pieter Pot will take your empty pots back, you will receive your deposit back, we wash the pots and if you place a new order with your deposit, you will receive filled pots again at home. This is our circular system without plastic packaging. Carbon footprint comparison:

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Pieter Pot

165 w

Thanks for reaching out! To answer the question that is posed: we do deliver throughout the whole Netherlands, wherever you live. We don't deliver internationally but planning to do so next year;)

  • Mart Schneider

    165 w

    More biological products and i’m in

    • Multatuli Förlag

      165 w

      It works in Sweden (! What it takes is attitude-change. That is hard in lands there egoism is religion!

      • Pieter Pot

        165 w

        Thanks for reaching out! To answer the question that is posed: we do deliver throughout the whole Netherlands, wherever you live. We don't deliver internationally but planning to do so next year;)

        • We Don't Have Time

          165 w

          Dear Wil Sillen Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Pieter Pot and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

          • Aterrahe

            165 w

            Does Pieter Pot deliver only in the Netherlands?

            • Wil Sillen

              165 w

              Even in the Netherlands they do not yet deliver everywhere.The company also has a social impact because they often work with employees who are difficult to place in regular business. I do think that the 'idea' is exportable. You will have to contact the company yourself for more information.

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