
Transforming the junk food industry from within by sourcing climate-friendly peas

PeaTos’ journey to reinvent the way Americans snack began by fundamentally looking at the mighty pea and how peas could topple the other large corn-based snack monopolies like PepsiCo’s Frito Lays.
To dethrone Frito Lays and offer consumers a healthier snacking experience, PeaTos Founder and CEO Nick Desai revolutionized the salty snack category with a salty and delicious pea-based snack that rivals famous snacks like Cheetos® and Funyuns®. Since PeaTos’ launch in 2019, American households positively responded to the amazing tasty snack, and PeaTos is now available in 4,700 retailers in the USA and growing!
A look into the peas used in PeaTos would reveal that peas are rich in fiber, magnesium, and protein. However, people may not realize just how environmentally friendly peas are.
So, how do peas positively impact our environment? 🤔👇 (Sources in the comments 😁)
🔬☑️ Peas have a low water footprint, which means peas take relatively little water to grow. With the global temperature rising, climate change will strain water resources, and water conservation will be increasingly important in the near future. Corn, which is a common ingredient in other salty snacks, has a higher water footprint than peas 😬🌽🚰
🔬☑️Peas are a plant-based protein with a lower carbon footprint. Humanity needs to lessen its carbon footprint and balance its need for protein. Communities can begin to address the climate challenges of consuming meat-based protein by eating peas as a healthy and environmentally sustainable source of protein in their diet. Peas’ carbon footprint is 0.20 kg CO2e per 1/2 cup of split peas. In plain English, that means that the greenhouse gas emissions of peas are 48.7 times lower than a beef burger 🤯🤯🤯
🔬☑️ Peas are cover crops, which is a huge benefit to farmers. Cover crops reduce erosion, increase biodiversity, help to control pests, and improve soil health. Peas pack a positive climate-friendly punch above their weight. 👊✅
Besides prioritizing peas as its main ingredient, PeaTos is also revamping the long overdue and stagnant salty snack product line to transform the junk food industry. PeaTos products have zero artificial additives, are non-GMO, and are 100% plant-based.

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That's why we have partnered with We Don't Have Time. We want PeaTos to be a driver of change within the snack food industry that has been long dominated by corn. Over the past two decades alone, American corn has received a massive $116 billion in subsidies, and corn represents the largest use of American land as an agricultural product. To ensure the mass production of corn, farming practices have resorted to using more groundwater and fertilizers. This fertilizer runoff from corn-producing regions of the USA has contributed to a threateningly sizable dead zone in ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico.
Peas have been helping American farmers cut costs with their ability to improve farming yields over time, jumpstart the ecosystem's biodiversity, and require less water and fertilizer to be grown. Over the last two decades, peas have also received fewer subsidies than corn, with peas receiving $128 million in subsidies.
The benefits peas provide for the environment should make people think twice about what they consume as snacks and put in their pantries.
We look forward to sharing what we do to make the snack industry healthier and more climate-friendly without compromising the “junk food” taste! What should we talk about in our next post? Tell us your suggestions in the comments section.
To read more about how PeaTos’ planted-based and non-GMO product holds up against other Big Snack competitors like Frito-Lays’ Cheetos or Funyuns, go to

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  • Nadia Eira

    2 w

    So cool. It's have more to choice.

    • Marge Devy

      47 w

      This is good news, join my website to play games for free

      • Smath Henry

        62 w

        I really like eating peas, hope it will be grown and replicated in many countries around the world.

        • Evangeline Wanjiru

          69 w

          It's not just my love for peas but that the revolution to take care of our environment is taking off across industries.

          • Jeffery Walters

            69 w

            Absolutely love seeing companies being more environmentally conscious! Love the product!

            • Sarah Chabane

              85 w

              Cool! I really like peas based products, I think legumes are the future! Are you only available in the US?

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