Climate love


Climate love

Using old mines to store renewable energy

Mine Storage has teamed up with Swedish electricity supplier Mälarenergi to develop storage facilities for renewable energy. The intention is to jointly investigate the technical and commercial conditions for developing up to three facilities in Bergslagen, which are in the vicinity of Mälarenergi. The respective plant is estimated to be able to produce an electrical output of approximately 15 MW and with an energy quantity of 30-75 MWh per cycle. Mine storage consists of using decommissioned mines, where equipment is installed to pump up water at low electricity prices and then release the water through a turbine connected to a generator at times when the market needs it to support the electricity system or when prices are high. This then contributes to the stability of the electricity system and more electricity production during peak price hours, which in case of large-scale expansion can have a price-dampening effect. By using state-of-the-art hydropower technology that reacts quickly enough to help balance the grid, mine storage facilities can enable the green energy transition. Learn more:

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74 w

Mine Storage provides a real and proven solution to introduce more renewables and phase out fossil fueled power generation. In addition to energy, it repurposes depleted mines and provide flexibility to the grid; transmission, voltage and power. A swiss army kniper of storage!

  • Winifrida

    67 w

    Good concept, Goodwork let us stay tuned good things are coming✍️✍️✍️

    • Green Buzz Podcast

      67 w

      Have tests been done for methane?

      • Elizabeth Gathigia

        68 w

        Incredibly amazing


          74 w

          Mine Storage provides a real and proven solution to introduce more renewables and phase out fossil fueled power generation. In addition to energy, it repurposes depleted mines and provide flexibility to the grid; transmission, voltage and power. A swiss army kniper of storage!

          • We Don't Have Time

            74 w

            Dear Markus Lutteman Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to MINESTORAGE and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Muhammad We Don't Have Time

            • Tabitha Kimani

              75 w

              I really get amazed by the power of technology in transitioning to clean energy. Good job.

              • Johannes Luiga

                75 w

                Truly inspiring!

                • Edwin wangombe

                  75 w

                  This is a great concept of putting land that is termed as useless into great use

                  • daVarius Robinson

                    75 w

                    Stellar concept

                    • Sarah Chabane

                      75 w

                      Minestorage is great!

                      • Peter Kamau

                        75 w


                        • Muhammad Fahd Khan

                          75 w

                          Good work!

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