Climate idea
Image of Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

Climate idea

We need to take pollution into account as well when saving pollinators!

Food security is becoming a pressing issue with the growing global population. Another threat is the rapidly declining pollinator diversity and population. About 40% of insect pollinators are at risk of extinction. 87 major food crops are pollinated by insects, worth billions of dollars every year. This means that when we lose pollinators, also our economy is at risk. Pollinator diversity and population are declining mostly because of using chemical pesticides, insecticides, and fertilizers. But also different types of pollution cause problems. In this article you can learn how different types of pollution affect pollinators and what we can do to help them:

Pollinators are extremely important for food security, but are heavily affected by different types of pollution (credit: Oleksandrum on Shutterstock)
Pollinators are extremely important for food security, but are heavily affected by different types of pollution (credit: Oleksandrum on Shutterstock)

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