
We've Just Crossed the Critical 1.5°C Global Warming Threshold

BREAKING: We've just crossed the critical 1.5°C global warming threshold for an entire year, as reported by the EU's climate service. Perhaps most alarming is the fact that ocean temperatures are also reaching record highs and continue to rise, causing significant concern among scientists who are still trying to comprehend the rapid pace of these changes.

The media must bring this dire news to the forefront. With numerous pivotal elections this year, the leaders we choose are crucial in addressing this crisis. If people are uninformed, they won't vote accordingly.

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Is breaching the 1.5°C mark in 2023 a sign that the Paris Agreement's goals are now out of reach? Absolutely not. Despite rising political challenges and emissions in 2023, here are key points to bare in mind:
  • The 1.5°C target is considered a 30-year temperature average, not just a year or two. IPCC projections already included potential overshoots, even with deep emission cuts. El Niño may exacerbate conditions in 2023 and 2024, but the Paris Agreement's core goals remain intact.
  • We possess the technology and policy means to drastically cut GHG emissions across all sectors and address deforestation equitably. What's missing is political will and funding. However, these measures alone won't solve the atmospheric CO2 legacy. Delaying emission reductions can't be offset by future carbon removal efforts due to physical, social, and economic limitations.
  • Science shows immediate emission reductions will quickly impact atmospheric concentrations and temperatures. Achieving net zero emissions will slow temperature rises and can stabilize them if reached promptly.
  • To revert to safer conditions and not just stabilize at dangerous CO2 levels (currently around 420 ppm), we need both deep emission cuts and significant carbon removal efforts, starting now. Natural solutions like reforestation will be crucial, but it's uncertain if they can lower CO2 to below 400 or 350 ppm.
  • Delaying deep emissions cuts and carbon removal increases the likelihood of needing less sustainable technological interventions to achieve the 1.5°C goal or lower.
The solutions are within our grasp; we can overcome this challenge. However, time is not on our side. Join us at to take collective action. Our community reaches nearly 200 million people on social media every month. Let's make our voices heard and effect real change.
  • johnte ndeto

    10 w

    This is quite alarming and should be the best time to put the best foot forward to address global warming as it's a reality we can't evade


      11 w

      Exercising whatever rights and empowerment every citizen has in different levels shall make a difference. It may be exercising in choosing pension fund/job/ political leaders/consumables- just anything.

      • Johannes Luiga

        11 w

        Really an eye opener

        • Mats Williander

          11 w

          Most people don't seem to understand the extreme consequences. When the wet-bulb temp goes beyond 35 degrees Celsius it is totally impossible for humans to survive. We will face mass migration that is unstoppable. To my knowledge, right-wings don't like migration. To transit from fossil energy may require sacrifices, for sure. Not transiting will with certainty be catastrophic. Can any right-wing person explain to me why they chose the catastrophic future?

          • Tabitha Kimani

            11 w

            This is really sad but it's the reality. In East Africa, the heat from the sun is scary. It's very unfortunate because very few people understand why.

            • Munene Mugambi

              11 w

              @tabitha_kimani Problem is, no one is actually acting on it to make a difference. It is like we've resigned our lives to fate. Very heartbreaking.

              • Boniface Kuria

                11 w

                @tabitha_kimani True, the heat during the day is unheard of.

              • Gorffly mokua

                11 w

                Immediate and bold steps are needed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, invest in sustainable technologies, and support climate adaptation efforts to prevent even greater damage in the future.

                • Chris Ndungu

                  11 w

                  This is heartbreaking news measures should be put in place to curb this temperature hikes

                  • Munene Mugambi

                    12 w

                    The report showing we've crossed 1.5 degrees should have us all worried especially when you take in ocean temperatures rising as well

                    • Felix mokaya

                      12 w

                      @munene_mugambi This is so worrying !The ice from the ocean will melt and this is very dangerous

                    • George Kariuki

                      12 w

                      I strongly support the call to join and contribute to collective action. Social media campaigns, protests, and advocacy efforts are crucial to mobilize the public and pressure decision-makers.

                      • Munene Mugambi

                        12 w

                        @george_kariuki It is time we went up in arms to demand better for the planet and to do better for it as well.

                        • Felix mokaya

                          12 w

                          @munene_mugambi I agree with you!

                        • Boniface Kuria

                          12 w

                          It is completely alarming. We however have not reached an unredeemable level but only if we take action now.

                          • Rotich Kim

                            12 w

                            This is good news to share this as human will plan for the future high temp and get necessary material to prevent them from any harm

                            • Kriss Kiddo

                              12 w

                              An urgent action need to be taken this is terrifying.

                              • Felix mokaya

                                12 w

                                This calls for an immediate action to be taken!

                                • Marine Stephan

                                  12 w

                                  This is scary, we need to act now!

                                  • walter lungayi

                                    12 w

                                    @marine_stephan I strongly agree with you

                                  • Adam Wallin

                                    12 w

                                    If the weather events that we have seen over the past few years only represent a temporary temperature over 1.5C, it's scary to think what an average temperature over 1.5C will do to the world. This can be a wake up call for policymakers and businesses worlddwide.

                                    • Munene Mugambi

                                      12 w

                                      @Adam_Wallin The signs suggest the temperatures will go higher. We cannot afford this anomaly to destroy us

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