Climate love
Image of Lidl


Climate love

Climate neutral food-store building

On the Swedish island Gotland Lidl have built a the first NollCO2-building together with LINK Arkitektur. Sweden Green Building Council have created a new certification for climate-neutral buildings! The Lidl store on Gotland was a successful pilot-project and the goal is to achieve a net zero emission during the life cycle of the building. This was done by using energy-efficient lighting, solars and vegetation on the store's roof, eco-zones for insects and birds as well as charging stations for electric cars and electric bicycles were created, (among other things). The project was awarded Construction of the Year 2021, in the industry / store category. Hopefully Lidl has shown the way for both themselves and others! Read more (Swe):

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time


154 w

Thank you for acknowledging our climate-neutral store in Visby! We are determined to reduce our climate impact and review all parts of our business to achieve this goal. Our stores account for a significant part of our climate impact, but by building sustainably, we contribute to our sustainability goals. What was just a few years ago a distant vision was recently put into practice and we are very proud of our Visby store. We hope to inspire more companies to make similar investments in the future.

  • Lidl

    154 w

    Thank you for acknowledging our climate-neutral store in Visby! We are determined to reduce our climate impact and review all parts of our business to achieve this goal. Our stores account for a significant part of our climate impact, but by building sustainably, we contribute to our sustainability goals. What was just a few years ago a distant vision was recently put into practice and we are very proud of our Visby store. We hope to inspire more companies to make similar investments in the future.

    • Ingmar Rentzhog

      154 w

      You do. You are an inspiration! Keep it up Lidl! I remember the first time I visited a Lidl store in Sweden when you opened 20(?) years ago. To compare it with your concept today is a true journey. I really like what you have become ;).. You are not a lagger but a leader in Sweden today!

    • We Don't Have Time

      154 w

      Dear Leo Alexander Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Lidl and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Joy Githae

        154 w

        The tech should apply to trucks ferrying fresh produces that I suppose use fuel for their preservation engines.

        Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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