Climate love
Image of Erthos


Climate love

For creating the only utility-scale solar farm mounted flat on the ground

Erthos, an energy tech company that makes a mounting system that secures solar panels flat to the ground, signed an agreement with renewable energy developer Industrial Sun for a 100+ megawatt solar project in Texas. It will become the only utility-scale solar farm mounted flat on the ground to date. Conventional solar mounting technologies typically require more than five acres of land per megawatt of capacity. But Erthos’s Solar PV only needs less than 2.5 acres per megawatt of capacity. Erthos claims that a solar farm on its flat mounts can be built in half the time for half the cost of conventional mounting systems. It also says that it uses 70% less cable and needs 70% less trenching. Read more:

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71 w

Thanks, everyone! We aren't super active online (we're just too busy, which is a good thing!), but we did want to take a moment to thank you for your commitment to improving the health of our planet. "We Don't Have Time" is a rallying cry that echoes our own purpose and it's why Erthos was created in the first place. Not to be too promotional, but if you haven't seen our video yet, take a look at the link below, especially the part starting at 2:36 where our Founder/CEO shares what drives us here at Erthos. The way he describes our calling should feel pretty familiar to you and the community ;) Thank you sincerely for your support. And stay tuned, because we're just getting started!

  • Elizabeth Gathigia

    70 w

    This is very very impressive

    • Srinu K

      71 w

      It's all right I'm doing

      • Erthos

        71 w

        Thanks, everyone! We aren't super active online (we're just too busy, which is a good thing!), but we did want to take a moment to thank you for your commitment to improving the health of our planet. "We Don't Have Time" is a rallying cry that echoes our own purpose and it's why Erthos was created in the first place. Not to be too promotional, but if you haven't seen our video yet, take a look at the link below, especially the part starting at 2:36 where our Founder/CEO shares what drives us here at Erthos. The way he describes our calling should feel pretty familiar to you and the community ;) Thank you sincerely for your support. And stay tuned, because we're just getting started!

        • Sarah Chabane

          71 w

          @Erthos thank you for joining the climate dialogue and sharing more about your work! Looking forward to follow what you do :)

          • Ingmar Rentzhog

            71 w

            @Erthos Wow. This is very impressive. Do you have any solutions for Nordic winter with snow?

            • Marine Stephan

              71 w

              @Erthos Thank you so much for answering my Climate Love! And keep up the good work

              • Keko Buda

                70 w

                @Erthos pleasure, continue doing great job together we can do it

                • Patrick Kiash

                  49 w

                  @Erthos Thank you for your response and sharing with us the link.

                • We Don't Have Time

                  72 w

                  Dear Marine Stephan Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Erthos and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Muhammad We Don't Have Time

                  • Kihm Francis

                    72 w


                    • Sarah Chabane

                      72 w

                      Very interesting solution!

                      • Tabitha Kimani

                        72 w

                        Awesome. With the conventional solar mounting tech, there is a concern about acreage of land used. Advance in technology will solve this issue.

                        • Ingmar Rentzhog

                          72 w

                          Great solution

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