Climate love
75 w
Global EV Outlook 2023 – Analysis - IEA
Global EV Outlook 2023 - Analysis and key findings. A report by the International Energy Agency.
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Businesses and leaders will listen and reply on We Don't Have Time
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We bought ours in 2021
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Going electric is great but as demand for electricity goes up so does fossil fuel demand for power plants. It's at best a stopgap measure. We need a different base load generating fuel source. I think nuclear is the way to go. Nuclear has progressed to be safer and clean (traveling wave process) and it uses our stock piles of nuclear waste. Solar is another option but uses alot of space. That kills animal habitat. Hydroelectric the same.
74 w
@gerry_ruygrok Yes, indeed, Gerry ! Nuclear new 3G and 4G plants offer 3 advantages : 1/ They burn past dirty nuclear fuels. No more need to mine out 2/ They take very little room on Earth. A few acres are enough 3/ They produce an awful LOT. Large nuclear stations produce as much as 1.6m solar pannels !
75 w
Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to International Energy Agency by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time
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Electric all the way
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Good news
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The goal is indeed to go electric
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Great news, let's go eclectic 👍
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@elizbeth_gathigia the best option.
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@elizbeth_gathigia Electric cars need electricity 24 hours/24. That means they won't operate on wind or solar energies, as they are usually recharged at night... This means more Nuclear Power stations have to be built urgently not to follow the WORSE WAYS shown by China and Germany = More Coal dirty & polluting power stations ! Germany already POLLUTES 3 times MORE than France does, because of COAL and their bad decision of downsizing their Nuclear Power stations, though they operate perfectly ! Id est : Ideology from the 'Grünen' is killing the CLIMATE. And Germany is a BAD COP21 student, not following Paris Agreements !
75 w
This is what we need, No more fossil fuels Cars
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@saustine_lusanzu Electric cars need electricity 24 hours/24. That means they won't operate on wind or solar energies, as they are usually recharged at night... This means more Nuclear Power stations have to be built urgently not to follow the WORSE WAYS shown by China and Germany = More Coal dirty & polluting power stations ! Germany already POLLUTES 3 times MORE than France does, because of COAL and their bad decision of downsizing their Nuclear Power stations, though they operate perfectly ! Solutions are 1/ NUCLEAR 3G & 4G (burning past nuclear wastes) 2/ BioGaz 3/ Micro-HYdro-energetical solutions 4/ Ocean & rivers' tides and waves energies 5/ Geothermical energies 6/ Planting millions of trees alongside the crops (Agro-forestry) and diversified dense species in forests 7/ Planting in the cities to cool the blocks and houses, and on the buildings's roofs
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