Climate love
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We Don't Have Time

Climate love

Are we losing the last chance of survival out of fear of wars?

We Don't have time very timely has brought one news in front of the global citizens' forum, which needs to be read with care and which needs to be intervened strategically.
WDHT informs about a "leaked" document, which indicates that climate action may not be considered as a core strategy for next five years. United States was removed by the then US President from Global climate leadership in 2015 when Paris Agreement was signed by rest of the world. This vacuum was filled by leadership of EU (European Union). The Strategy document of EU under name and style: " A New Strategy Agenda 2019 - 2024" wisely provided framework for prioritizing four core are:
1. Protecting citizens and freedoms
2. Developing our economic base: The European model for the future
3. Building a climate neutral, green fair and social Europe
4. Promoting Europe's interests and values in the world
The world has witnessed excellent initiatives in field of climate change under leadership of European countries or with European support and fundings. The Green Deal of EU inspired many other countries. The webpage of Green Deal says: "The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels". Circular economy has been realized into implementation. Thoughtful initiatives of European citizens inspired people in other countries for taking actions. A lot of progress is also seen at EU front in digital security during this period.
It seems that the two ongoing wars have dented the courage and confidence of the European leadership to forge ahead for a greener and sustainable world. The fear of escalation of war is pushing EU for shifting the focus. The "leaked document", which is shared by WDHT suggests that climate change has not been prioritized by in draft strategy document, which means the framework under which climate actions were gaining momentum, shall now be weakened considerably. The world shall miss the leading role of European countries in field of climate change. Again, a vacuum shall be created exactly when far more stronger climate actions are required to cut down Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission drastically. If the global greenhouse gas emissions are allowed to increase, then its pitfalls shall continue to hit the entire world very hard.
Strengthening security and defense without fortifying community resilience can be tricky in era of climate change. Let us a take the example of city of Catania. The electrical cables of this Sicilian city melted in last July 2023, leaving hundreds and thousands without water and electricity. The city was not ready for a 46.7-degree C temperature. Such disruption in power cable in one city node can thwart the cyber security of a world-wide connected network.
Climate Change is causing involuntary migrations. Addressing migration without working on one of the root causes of migration like climate change is like watering the plant after cutting it's roots!
United Nations is consistently appealing to the world for fortifying the climate actions. Simon Stiell, UN Climate Change is reaching out to the nations across the world for preparation of NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) version 3 with stronger climate actions (

). The recent webinars by UN to support countries of Latin America, Pacific, Sub-suharan Africa clearly indicates that climate solutions are available. There is no need to take a recourse because climate finance can also be arranged as funding agencies and banks are coming forward with funds for renewables and nature-based solutions. Indeed developmental banks are ready to fund the projects of climate change because cost of climate inaction is much higher. leading organizations of civil and construction engineering, urban planner like ASCE (Americal Society for Civil Engineers), ICLEI Canada are facilitating climate solutions not only for philanthropic reasons but also for hard facts that devastations of infrastructures by flooding and other extreme weather conditions are putting too much stress on all concerned including engineering fraternity. The call for moving the money is also supported by UN leader. The WCEF (World Circular Economy Forum) is just beginning. Partmeship of Europe and Africa has initiated many projects for fulfilling SDGs.

Climate Scientists and activists have been cautioning about the climate change from very beginning. Engineers and Medical Practitioners are coming up with solutions for adaptation and mitigation because the professional now know that climate threat is real. Developmental banks are showing good intentions. Nations are collectively showing willingness for carbon neutral future. All these are happening because the climate change impacts us at every level. The uncertainty caused by climate stress and climate disasters threatens our right to live a quality life. Overlooking climate action is actually denying citizen's right to live a quality life.

Defense or development both demand climate proofing. Simon Stiell, UN Executive Secretary, is reminding in every session that preparation of NDC 3 with stronger climate ambition may be our last chance for survival in a world with dignity and human rights.
The fear of climate change is always lurking behind every war and social conflicts.

It seems that WDHT has raised an issue which surely demands attention and action from all concerned.

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