The Environmental Media Association's post

If you're interested in the intersection between media, climate action, entertainment, and technology, then our annual EMA IMPACT Summit is for you!
Join leaders in the entertainment and environmental industries as we share solutions and climate hope. The event will be held June 4-5 at the Pendry in West Hollywood, California. Passes and sponsorships are still available!
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  • Gorffly mokua

    3 d

    It's great to see organizations recognizing the critical role of media and entertainment in climate action.

    • Sarah Chabane

      2 w

      Sounds like a great event! Will this be broadcast anywhere for people who cannot join on the spot? :D

      • Markus Lutteman

        2 w

        This sounds very interesting! The entertainment industry is a super important player in helping accelerate the green transition. As a wise person once said, "Scientists can tell us what to do, but it is the artists who make us want to do it.”

        Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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