Climate love
Image of SWEL


Climate love

This Water Mat-Like Machine floats freely in the ocean to harness Wave Energy

Wave Line Magnet is a wave energy converter that can capture energy from the motion of ocean waves and store it in the spine-like central unit for later use. With the goal of creating a low-cost alternative with minimal maintenance that works in all types of wave environments. The Sea Wave energy limited company, together with Marine Energy Alliance, has tested it in wave tanks and in the ocean and plans to commercialise this technology once further they complete testing. Link-:)

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86 w

Thank you, Patrick, for the kind words! Having concluded exhaustive studies and tests on the Waveline Magnet (WLM) technology at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) Test Facility, with Marine Energy Alliance (MEA) and industry leaders, it is clear that the technology displays tangible potential to solving the decades-old enigma of wave energy. Sea Wave Energy Ltd (SWEL) is incredibly grateful to MEA and partners for providing, assisting, and coordinating this complex process, paving the way for its passionate team to carry the technology forward. Poised to shake the energy industry, it has been demonstrated that the Waveline Magnet (WLM) can produce an abundance of mechanical power for the conversion processes of electricity, hydrogen and desalination, not ignoring its applicability to fish farming and coastal erosion protection. Based on its unique working principle, SWEL is now challenging the current theory of wave power.

  • Jim Pomeroy

    76 w

    I love it here. I feel like I found what I was looking for.

    • wilkerson rollins

      76 w

      There's a game I recently discovered about that I'd love for you to play with me whenever you have some free time, so I'll read your posts more frequently.

      • Tommy Hankinson

        76 w

        You mentioned something I was curious about.

        • Jim Pomeroy

          77 w

          Very good

          • Idle mining empire

            82 w

            great, a good solution for renewable energy'please share more

            • patterson solomon

              83 w

              Your article was incredibly beneficial to me, and I look forward to reading more of your work in the future. In addition, I have discovered a fantastic game called smash karts: , which you are welcome to join and play with me if you have the time.

              • wells roberts

                83 w

                Every day, I come to learn new things, and I enjoy your article

                • Astrid Lind

                  85 w


                  • Neill Conroy

                    85 w

                    I have been fascinated by the challenge of sea wave energy, as well as tidal energy, since the attempt to harness the tidal part of the equation in the Bay of Fundy in the 70's. I will trust Patrick to keep me updated. Good luck!

                    • Patrick Kiash

                      85 w

                      Hi Neil, thankyou for your great compliment. I would request @SWEL to keep you updated maybe with information you may need.

                    • Akshay Raghav

                      85 w


                      • Kenya Hauck

                        85 w

                        a good renewable energy solution.

                      • Kambiz Fatehi

                        85 w

                        In the past century, we have obtained clean energy from hydroelectricity in reverse. We have produced clean energy from dams and tidal lagoons and sea waves. Now, fortunately, we have been able to achieve the most complex scientific question in the world of physics in the production of clean energy from water. Yes, we now have a new method that works based on a new scientific formula in physics. Soon the world of clean energy will change fundamentally and if you want we can cooperate with each other! The reason for this suggestion is that the energy obtained in the deep water is not comparable to the waves of the sea, and you will undoubtedly be surprised. You should pay attention to the latest inventions in the field of clean energy production, because the most fundamental of them is to find this scientific answer, which was obtained after a century of scientific effort and registered in the German Patent Office. (Ee>Ep+E1at) = (E>P+1at) Attention: The request for this strategic invention has been legally registered in the German Patent Office! No: (DE 10 2020 119 467 A1 2022. 01. 27).

                        • SWEL

                          86 w

                          Thank you, Patrick, for the kind words! Having concluded exhaustive studies and tests on the Waveline Magnet (WLM) technology at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) Test Facility, with Marine Energy Alliance (MEA) and industry leaders, it is clear that the technology displays tangible potential to solving the decades-old enigma of wave energy. Sea Wave Energy Ltd (SWEL) is incredibly grateful to MEA and partners for providing, assisting, and coordinating this complex process, paving the way for its passionate team to carry the technology forward. Poised to shake the energy industry, it has been demonstrated that the Waveline Magnet (WLM) can produce an abundance of mechanical power for the conversion processes of electricity, hydrogen and desalination, not ignoring its applicability to fish farming and coastal erosion protection. Based on its unique working principle, SWEL is now challenging the current theory of wave power.

                          • Patrick Kiash

                            86 w

                            Thankyou for your important response @SWEL, wish you all and your team success in all technology and all process you are aiming to achieve your goal,keep it up and be part of us as we believe together we are the solution to climate crisis,and all of us we can utilize sdg's No 17, which speaks about partnership and I believe we all need each other to scale up solutions. Welcome.

                            • Leo Ndungu

                              85 w

                              @SWEL Great Response. We need more solutions like this-:)

                            • We Don't Have Time

                              86 w

                              Dear Patrick Kiash Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to SWEL and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

                              • Lawrence Gatembu

                                86 w

                                Great! People are very innovate

                                • Sarah Chabane

                                  87 w

                                  Wow, never seen anything like that before, sounds great

                                  • Markus Lutteman

                                    87 w

                                    With a design like this, wouldn’t it be possible to cover the surface with soft solar cells as well?

                                    • Ingmar Rentzhog

                                      87 w

                                      @markus_lutteman_141 And some wind turbines on the same foundation. We will have triple power! ;)

                                    • Kihm Francis

                                      87 w

                                      Nice solution for renewable energies.

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