Climate love
Image of Queensland Government

Queensland Government

Climate love

Government Of Queensland Will Ban New Oil And Gas Developments In The Lake Eyre Basin

The government of Queensland will ban new oil and gas developments in the Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre basin’s rivers and floodplains – belatedly delivering on a nine-year-old election commitment to reinstate protections for the state’s pristine channel country. The state’s premier, Steven Miles, will on Friday announce new environmental regulations for the basin, which is among the world’s last unaltered river systems.

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  • Grace Njeri



    45 w

    A good idea to stop fossil fuel exploration and halt the development of all new oil and gas fields.

    • Ann Nyambura



      48 w

      The decision may contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change by preventing potential environmental damage and promoting a transition toward cleaner and more sustainable energy alternatives.

      • George Kariuki


        48 w

        "A huge win for conservation and the environment!

        • Elizabeth Gathigia


          49 w

          Its a great decision, the world does not need more oil and gas, what we need it's clean energy

          • winnie nguru


            48 w

            @elizbeth_gathigia well said

          • Rukia Ahmed Abdi


            49 w

            The decision by the Queensland government to ban new oil and gas developments in the Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Basin is a positive step in the fight against climate change. The move, fulfilling a nine-year-old election commitment, reinstates protections for the state's pristine channel country. The announcement of new environmental regulations for the basin, home to one of the world's last unaltered river systems, reflects a commitment to conservation and sustainable land use.

            • Gorffly mokua



              49 w

              This will be a very commendable step!đź’šđź‘Ź

              • Joseph Githinji



                49 w

                A bold decision by the Government of Queensland that is going to secure aquatic life in Lake Eyre Basin and in addition reduce the reliance to oil and gas in Queensland.

                • johnte ndeto


                  49 w

                  Ban on gas and oil developments is a major step towards achieving a clean and efficient environment space

                  • Joseph Githinji



                    49 w

                    @johnte_ndeto it is the only sure way to stop use of fossils and aid to the transition to clean and renewable energy.

                  • Princess



                    49 w

                    This is a positive step toward environmental conservation.

                    • Richard S



                      49 w

                      Just as everyone was knocking off for Xmas, the Australian Government approved a massive new gas field that will provide free gas to notorious tax cheats Shell, and add half a BILLION tonnes of emissions to our atmosphere. 🧵👇…

                      • Joseph Githinji



                        49 w

                        @richard_s how I wish you could post this as a warning, the government of Australia must be ashamed for pulling the globe behind by approving such a retrogressive project that is going to hurt the environment.

                      • tom mallard


                        49 w

                        The need is to nearly zero emissions by using NikolaTesla's valvular_conduit Tailpipes he intended for ICEngines 90yrs ago, these remove >99% of gases, soot/aerosols and trap wasteheat, the principle counter-flow scales clothesdryers to coal smokestacks w/draft engr. Shelved 90yrs didn't help. Fwiw ⛽️

                        • walter lungayi



                          49 w

                          This decision by the Government of Queensland reflects a growing commitment to environmental conservation and protection of sensitive ecosystems.

                          • Joseph Githinji



                            49 w

                            @walter_lungayi they deserve an applause for a supporting sustainability.

                          • Rotich Kim


                            49 w

                            This is good ban of the use of oil is the best solution to our environment

                            • winnie nguru


                              49 w

                              @rotich_kim indeed, we have a responsibility to protect our country at all cost

                              • Joseph Githinji



                                49 w

                                @rotich_kim it is a great decision indeed.

                              • Esther Wanjiku


                                49 w

                                Glad that the Queensland government will no longer regularize new oil and gas investments as they seek to reinstate their pristine channel country.

                                • Joseph Githinji



                                  49 w

                                  @esther_wanjiku_785 this is a great regulation to aid in stopping use of gas and oil and instead support clean means of energy in Queensland.


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