The following countries are preventing the Nature Restoration Law from passing in the EU: Sweden, Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, and now Hungary.
Europe must protect and restore nature to fight the climate crisis and stand a chance against the floods, wildfires, droughts, and more extreme weather events that are already devastating the continent.
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It is sad to imagine that such a progressive law is being forgone and will soon be swept under the rug.Shame to these countries!
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It is so unfortunate to see people go against what is important for their well being and their own generations to's sad
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Its sad that countries can be against restoration of nature. Including Sweden where the Headquarters of We Don't Have Time are located.
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Large-scale nature restoration will save lives and by saving our ecosystems, we are saving ourselves.
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Very disappointing of these countries, hope they can reconsider their decisions and realize how important it is to restore the nature
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@elizbeth_gathigia Restoring nature is the most important endeavour of our time.
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Stand up for nature! #NatureRestorationLaw is crucial to fight climate change & extreme weather events. Let's protect Europe's future!
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This is soo unfortunate that some countries, including Sweden, Poland, Italy, the Netherlands & Hungary, are preventing the law from passing. Lets hope they will rethink about this!
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@gorffly_mokua They must avert from their negative perceptions.