The Príma called Királyhágó Csemege in Budapest, Hungary stepped on the right path.
Entering the shop there is a huge sign visible, informing the consumers. 100% of this shop's electricity supply somes from renewable source from the supplier MVM. This is a huge milestone, since this shop is so little, yet, they show a great example.
They not only accept reusable net bags (even the hard-to-see-through cotton ones), but also promotes its use. They also sell a set of three net bags, but because it was wrapped in non-see-throug packaging, I was skeptical to buy it as I coudn't determinate wheter it was cotton or not. Next time I want to go on an adventure, I will discover it and share the results. :)
They also use BPA-free receipt paper, which further reduces their footprint.
Operating with green energy is amazing, but this Príma fell for a greenwashing actually. They offer the 'biodegradable' plastic bags, which is presumed nowadays to be a mistake and not biodegradable.
I think it's alltogether a great start, which was worth writing an article about. I plan on adding these separately to Príma's profile as Climate Loves and Warnings once We Don't Have Time adds them to the list. I'll go write them an email, whish me luck. :)