4WARD Global Climate Community's post

4WARD is incredibly excited to be partnering with We Don't Have Time to accelerate climate collaboration & action globally... because we literally don't have time! Join 4WARD: The world's largest local-to-global community of climate & sustainability DOERs collaborating to move the world 4WARD... 👤 Create FREE profile today: 

With our partnership, we're creating the ultimate climate community+media ecosystem and opening 4WARD's entire global climate community, resources & events platform up for We Don't Have Time members & fellow climate DOERs!
Leverage 4WARD's Global Climate Community to Accelerate YOUR Climate Goals! - Attend regular climate meetups in 45 cities 🌎 - Join monthly sector networking groups & calls 📞 - 1000s of climate & sustainability folks via online networking & collaboration platform 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏻 - Free resource toolkits for startups, corps, VCs & job seekers 🛠️ ---1000+ Climate VC & Accelerator Database 💰 ---400+ Climate Solutions Database ⚡ - Climate training, courses & tools for funding 💰, decarbonization, legal & IP ⚖️, carbon accounting & more

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      Re-watch Climate Week NYC