
How the energy “pinch” has put green technology into high demand!

Enjay was recently the subject of a BBC episode who wanted to cover exactly how our technology is being used to reduce operational heating waste by 90-95%.

Or as the BBC report put it: “Enjay has found a way to use greasy hot air from kitchens to warm up other parts of a restaurant, which helps cut costs and carbon emissions.

Enjay Founder, Jesper Wirén standing outside customer and Burger King franchise owner, Magged Khalidy's restaurant
Enjay Founder, Jesper Wirén standing outside customer and Burger King franchise owner, Magged Khalidy's restaurant

It was almost an overnight sensation, which just goes to show how strongly industries all over the world are considering energy efficiency as a crucial part of their operations.
And for good reason, even at home in Sweden it has been a challenge for franchises as big as Burger King. In the average Swedish home, energy costs nearly doubled, but for industries that require significantly more energy expenditure just to operate, the energy costs spiked so much it became difficult to stay afloat, let alone turn a profit, as covered when speaking to restaurant owners in Malmo.
“It has been hard. We have very high bills and we have a lot of chillers and freezers and a lot of hot equipment and of course the warming of the lobby and facilities.”
When approached with Enjay’s solution, restaurant owners immediately recognized its potential, with the franchise owner stating:
“It’s no discussion, we see the saving and the return of investment which is quite fast… During December and January was one of the worst in Swedish history with the energy costs. Not having this product would have increased our costs [a lot].” - Magged Khalidy.

One of Enjay's proprietary heat exchangers doing its magic on top of a restaurant
One of Enjay's proprietary heat exchangers doing its magic on top of a restaurant

Even further afield, in countries like Canada, there is an added utility to this technology because it saves on emissions just as much as it saves on costs.
Following the airing of the BBC program, we received many emails from business owners in Canada and the United States who expressed immense interest in our technology because it would help them meet emission targets they need to hit as part of their construction and operational guidelines. Nick Stark, Mechanical Engineer Executive Vice President at HH Angus & Associates, a group of energy consultants was one of the professionals who recognized this technology’s potential: “Over my four decades of being involved in ventilation design, I had tried a few ways to recover heat from messy or contaminated exhausts without success… However, with the move to more electrification, we have been under increasing pressure to bring heating loads down as we were running into electrical service capacity problems. It was clear to me that this product had great potential.” This is far from just a cold climate solution, either. Enjay has been seeing interest from companies as warm and dry as Australia, who need to heat up their facilities when it gets cold overnight, or as in the case of HH Angus & Associates, comply with emission regulations. With compliance to emission regulations for production and construction also coming into place around the world, the fact that this technology cuts emissions makes it all the more valuable. Ultimately, what this demonstrates is that as the world transitions to electrification and greener energy practices, the ability to reduce your energy consumption by as much as 90% will be invaluable - and the market is responding in kind. The only barrier to entry for our solution going global now is regulation and permissions in different countries. But given the swell of interest that we’ve seen from businesses all over the world, we already have “ambassadors” or “fans” advocating on our behalf to get the regulations in place so they can access this technology as fast as possible. As our own Klas Oskarsson pointed out, “We are looking forward to having the product available in North America after the inevitable regulatory approvals are sorted out.” At scale, the environmental benefits speak for themselves: “We’re confident that a solution like this could, if implemented worldwide, cut global emissions by as much as 1%.”. To learn more about out heat exchanger technology - go to our website below!

  • Christina Carlmark

    39 w

    This has such big potential! Get all fastfood restaurants onboard.

    • Patrick Kiash

      46 w

      It's a very beneficial idea. Your four decades of working on it,I am sure several countries in the world will embrace it and it will cut emissions in a great way! Goodluck.

      • Sarah Chabane

        46 w

        Very encouraging to be featured by BBC, great job!👏

      • Tabitha Kimani

        46 w

        The energy crisis has accelerated the clean energy investments as an alternative.

        • ance Star

          46 w

          Our planet is in a safe place

          • Joseph Githinji

            46 w

            Green tech is a great manifestation.

            • Grace Njeri

              46 w

              Green technology have minimal effects on the environment.

              • Ajema Lydiah

                46 w

                Green technology is the best and causes no pollution

                • Munene Mugambi

                  46 w

                  Green Tech is the present and future

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