Climate love
Image of Kao Data

Kao Data

Climate love

Kao Data becomes UK’s first data centre to transition from diesel to renewable HVO fuel

In 2016, it was reported that the world’s data centres used more than Britain’s total electricity consumption. At three percent of the global electricity supply and accounting for about two percent of total greenhouse gas emissions, data centres had the same carbon footprint as the aviation industry. More recent predictions states that the energy consumption of data centres is set to account for 3.2 percent of the total worldwide carbon emissions by 2025. What is also important to note is that current statistics show around 60% of the world’s population is connected to the internet and since Increased internet connections are important for development globally. As we generate more data, the question of how data centres can become more sustainable is crucial. I would therefore like to highlight an important contribution and an important step in the right direction, as Kao Data becomes UK’s first data centre to transition from diesel to renewable HVO fuel. This transition will eliminate up to 90% of net CO2 from their backup generators and significantly reduce nitrogen oxide, particulate matter and carbon monoxide emissions. This demonstrates the potential of data centre operators globally to reduce CO2e emissions.

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Kao Data

125 w

Thanks for this 'We Don't Have Time' community and especially Felicia Widing. At Kao Data sustainability is one of our core pillars and we're continually striving to look at ways we can be cleaner and greener. Data, and data centres are here to stay - we all enjoy the benefits of data, and data has become central to many of the benefits we experience and rely on today. But, the impact of data centres that power and house all of this data needs to be carefully considered and managed. That's why we made the move to transition all our backup generators (used when/if our 100% renewable utility power is ever temporarily suspended) to 100% renewable HVO biofuel. It's a simple move, it doesn't need any upgrade on machinery, and it took less than 48 hours to transition the diesel out, and the HVO in. And the benefit is they now run clean, and reduce 90% of carbon emissions (as well as other harmful GHG emissions). And, even better there isn't a data centre in the world that is operating diesel generators that couldn't follow our lead tomorrow. So what are we waiting for as an industry....

  • Kao Data

    125 w

    Thanks for this 'We Don't Have Time' community and especially Felicia Widing. At Kao Data sustainability is one of our core pillars and we're continually striving to look at ways we can be cleaner and greener. Data, and data centres are here to stay - we all enjoy the benefits of data, and data has become central to many of the benefits we experience and rely on today. But, the impact of data centres that power and house all of this data needs to be carefully considered and managed. That's why we made the move to transition all our backup generators (used when/if our 100% renewable utility power is ever temporarily suspended) to 100% renewable HVO biofuel. It's a simple move, it doesn't need any upgrade on machinery, and it took less than 48 hours to transition the diesel out, and the HVO in. And the benefit is they now run clean, and reduce 90% of carbon emissions (as well as other harmful GHG emissions). And, even better there isn't a data centre in the world that is operating diesel generators that couldn't follow our lead tomorrow. So what are we waiting for as an industry....

    • We Don't Have Time

      126 w

      Dear Felicia Widing Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Kao Data and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Anette Nordvall

        130 w

        Should be lifted higher as this solution towards Zero

        • Johannes Luiga

          138 w


          • Shipra Madan

            144 w

            Kudos to Kao Data👏

            • Zach Sambuu

              144 w

              The denouncement is a huge welcome as the renewable gear is on a top notch.

              Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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