Climate idea
Image of Nestlé


Climate idea

Create an impact group with EcoNation

Open an EcoNation group for your community and let them track circular actions with full transparency on the impact activity - fun and traceable.
We help to certify and validate each impact activity and reward the EcoHeroes in your community.

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  • Svante Hörnfeldt


    28 w

    Click like click like click like

    • Kevin



      29 w

      Quite a plausible idea

        1 more replies
    • Saustine Lusanzu


      29 w

      Nice idea to work on!

      • Ritter Pascal


        29 w

        @saustine_lusanzu thank you Saustine. Let me know in case you want to discuss it further. Would be excited to catch up.

        • 1 more replies
      • Svante Hörnfeldt


        29 w

        Will do!

        • Ritter Pascal


          29 w

          @svante_hornfeldt happy to hear that Svante. Let me know how you like it.

          • 1 more replies

        Join the COP29 Climate Hub in Baku - Nov 11-22