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Our #MovetheMoney interview series continues on May 17 📅 Meet subsidies expert Paul Ekins OBE, Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources. 💫

In this interview, Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Founder of We Don't Have Time interviews Paul Ekins OBE on how to move the finance from the fossil fuel industry & fossil fuel subsidies to smarter and cleaner investments. 💸 📺 Watch it on We Don't Have Time on May 17 at 15:00 CEST / 9:00 am EDT Register and catch up on previous episodes:

  • Timothy Ndegwa

    28 w

    A thought intriguing conversation it was! Indeed shifting finance from the fossil fuel industry and fossil fuel subsidies to smarter and cleaner investments is a transformative step towards a sustainable future. This reallocation will foster innovation, reduce environmental impact, and promote a resilient, green economy.

    • Christoph Rohland

      28 w

      Ein Interview, dass Zuversicht und Hoffnung für die schwierige Zeit gibt. Dieser Text muss an 9 Mrd. Menschen weitergeleitet werden! "Dauerregen unterspült festgefahrenes Urgestein im Wissen und schafft Reformation im Nachdenken"

      • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

        28 w

        Just clicked the link and the discussion is very Interesting. Can't wait to finish

        • Patrick Kiash

          28 w

          A very superb interview... It was more like a friendly one on one discussion but with a huge perspective of "my experience", "our experience" , current affairs, solutions,fear, and moreso the "hope" of our tomorrow. My take away from Paul, is that we must keep "pushing" individually and collectively and at the end of the day the result from solutions we are applying today will definitely win against this fossil fuel industry, so let's keep pushing, something else very important he emphasized on, is we must use our voice and all medium avairable and raise the voice to our politicians,leaders,governments,business community,etc and let awareness about our environment and the more we raise our voices to our politicians even through the political parties,etc, the higger chances we have to win the bull in the house with its horns. Looking forward to hearing the next speaker,expert, etc in the next series of #MoveTheMoney

          • Sarah Chabane

            29 w

            Looking forward to this new episode!

            • Ingmar Rentzhog

              29 w

              This was a great conversation! Don't miss it!


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