Sultan Al Jaber
Climate idea
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And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
How does this work?
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Unfortunately this might not work because of our greedy leaders who are after making profits and nothing else!!
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Carbon tax has always been a great idea and there should be no reason for parties to be at war over it
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I would think the same that we ought to tax the fuel companies heavily,and the funds be generated else where(clean energy projects)
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Fighting against each other won't solve anything
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if consensus can be met between involved parties then that would serve right
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The dialogue around this issue should be devoid of any conflicts
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Inside conflict will not solve any climate issues
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Taxing fossil fuel production is an important step towards addressing climate change. It not only provides an economic incentive for producers to shift towards cleaner alternatives, but also generates funds that can be used to support developing countries in their transition to a low-carbon economy. By taxing the elephants in the room, we can take a significant stride towards a sustainable future.
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Fighting against each other is not the solution, there should be an understanding between the developed and the developing nations for a sustainable future.