Climate love
Image of Randal Plunkett, 21st Baron of Dunsany

Randal Plunkett, 21st Baron of Dunsany

Climate love

21st baron of Dunsany rewilding large part of his estate

The world need to restore nature back to the wild according to the UN. To meet nature and climate commitments, an area equal in size to entire China needs to be restored. On Ireland, Randal Plunkett, the 21st baron of Dunsany contribute with what he can towards a more rewilded planet. Even though his actions breaks long lived traditions and others say its a waste of cattle and farm land, Randal Plunkett has decided to let huge private land to rewild. “Before, the estate had just three types of grass, now it has 23. I didn’t do it, the birds did. Trees regenerated and multiplied, oak, ash, beech, Scots pine and black poplar. I see a lot of saplings growing that I haven’t planted. Lush, diverse vegetation attracted butterflies and other insects, it’s like a buffet for them – which drew more birds, including rarely seen woodpeckers, barn owls, red kites and sparrowhawks” Thank you Randal Plunkett for letting parts of your land go back to nature. It’s inspiring to read how nature “fixes” itself once us humans leave it be. Read more:

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time

Randal Plunkett, 21st Baron of Dunsany

138 w

Dear followers of We Don't Have Time Firstly thank you for the support, it is very welcome. At a time where all looks to be lost, we need now more then ever to have people stand up in various forms. Whether you're rich or poor, whether you can contribute a lot or a little, we must grow into a wave of change! Even the smallest of changes, sends ripples through the earth, everything counts! Nothing was ever achieved without a certain level of sacrifice. The climate, the planet, belongs to all of us. We are merely caretakers of this wonderful place. We all need to do what we can, to fix what we have broken. We were given the luxuries of our time, we have the internet, we have science, we have the power to feed our minds and our bellies with the fruits of the knowledge passed down by our ancestors. However, these gifts we enjoy, have come at a cost, we face the darkest time in our species history. All our progress, may cost our planet and the human races future. It is time, we all focus on healing and repairing. We must spend less of our time focused on the superficial and think about what we will leave to the future generations. We must ask ourselves, how will the future judge us? Will they look back and say, we killed ourselves so we could enjoy another moment of selfishness or shall we be seen as the turning point, where we decided, we will not be the destroyers of life but the medicine it needs to heal. I know which I prefer to be, and I have put my flag down and when I fall, I hope there will be a thousand more flags put down into the ground to take my place. We have the power to become the most important force of change, we just need to want to change. We have crossed the seas, we have been to space, it is time to save our planet. It is time we stop thinking what we can take from the earth and start thinking what we can do for the earth.

  • Randal Plunkett, 21st Baron of Dunsany

    138 w

    Dear followers of We Don't Have Time Firstly thank you for the support, it is very welcome. At a time where all looks to be lost, we need now more then ever to have people stand up in various forms. Whether you're rich or poor, whether you can contribute a lot or a little, we must grow into a wave of change! Even the smallest of changes, sends ripples through the earth, everything counts! Nothing was ever achieved without a certain level of sacrifice. The climate, the planet, belongs to all of us. We are merely caretakers of this wonderful place. We all need to do what we can, to fix what we have broken. We were given the luxuries of our time, we have the internet, we have science, we have the power to feed our minds and our bellies with the fruits of the knowledge passed down by our ancestors. However, these gifts we enjoy, have come at a cost, we face the darkest time in our species history. All our progress, may cost our planet and the human races future. It is time, we all focus on healing and repairing. We must spend less of our time focused on the superficial and think about what we will leave to the future generations. We must ask ourselves, how will the future judge us? Will they look back and say, we killed ourselves so we could enjoy another moment of selfishness or shall we be seen as the turning point, where we decided, we will not be the destroyers of life but the medicine it needs to heal. I know which I prefer to be, and I have put my flag down and when I fall, I hope there will be a thousand more flags put down into the ground to take my place. We have the power to become the most important force of change, we just need to want to change. We have crossed the seas, we have been to space, it is time to save our planet. It is time we stop thinking what we can take from the earth and start thinking what we can do for the earth.

    • We Don't Have Time

      138 w

      Dear Leo Alexander Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Randal Plunkett and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Emily Mohr

        138 w

        Mr Plunkett thank you for taking action; you’re making a big impact on others as well as directly on the planet. The world needs more folks like you.

        • Sarah Chabane

          139 w

          If even the aristocracy can choose climate action... 🧐

          • Andreas Kōhler

            139 w

            Sure. Simple grass parks was a silly way to display a luxurious lifestyle.

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