Climate warning
Image of Ferrero


Climate warning

Can Nutella truly be vegan (and sustainable) when it contains palm oil?

Ferrero has launched a 100% plant-based version of Nutella. Great news, right? Well… yes, but also no.
Yes, because any effort to reduce animal-derived ingredients is a positive step for the planet and animal welfare. But (and there is, of course, a "but")… if Ferrero truly cared about animals and the environment, they would simply stop using palm oil in their Nutella. For now, their plant-based chocolate spread tastes like greenwashing!
How can a product be considered sustainable or better for the planet and animal welfare when it contains palm oil linked to deforestation?
How can a company claim to care about the planet while continuing to use an ingredient known to have devastating consequences for biodiversity and the environment?
Ferrero could have used Nutella's 60th anniversary to set a positive example and make a real impact on the planet. Instead, they opted for more of the same greenwashing tactics. And that is truly disappointing!

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Ferrero's press release:

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  • Elizabeth Gathigia

    3 w

    Greenwashing must be stopped

    • Petter Körnemark

      22 w

      And there are chocolate spread without palm oil. Go get Valsoia instead - same great taste but without that extra bitterness

      • Rebecca Oliver

        22 w

        The real issue here is that Nestle is a member of the Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil, but reported 0% certified oil last year. This is absolute outrageous. RSPO needs companies like Nestle and their volumes as they put pressure on growers and governments.

        • Sarah Chabane

          22 w

          @rebecca_oliver Wow I didn't know! I am not too surprised about Nestlé's records here, but also I don't think that Fererro belongs to them (yet!)

        • Rashid Kamau

          22 w

          Forests are cleared to make way for palm oil plantations, leading to the loss of critical habitat for wildlife and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

          • Munene Mugambi

            22 w

            Nutella’s new plant-based version is obviously overshadowed by its continued use of palm oil, which is linked to deforestation and biodiversity loss. True sustainability requires addressing these environmental impacts, not just eliminating animal-derived ingredients, to avoid greenwashing. Come on Nutella

            • We Don't Have Time

              22 w

              Dear Marine Stephan Your climate warning has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Ferrero by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time

              • Patrick Kiash

                22 w

                It's high time they should stop those disappointing hypocrite tactics.

                • walter lungayi

                  22 w

                  This is so disappointing with Greenwashing. Climate deniers in disguise!!

                  • Munene Mugambi

                    22 w

                    @walter_lungayi It's frustrating when companies mask unsustainable practices under the guise of green initiatives. Greenwashing like this undermines genuine efforts for environmental change, making it feel like climate deniers are simply rebranding their tactics. Real action is what’s needed!!!

                  • Sarah Chabane

                    23 w

                    The simple answer is.... NOPE

                    • Sara Andersson

                      23 w

                      100% agree. I hate palmoil. never buying it!


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