
The involuntary climate activist, thats me.....

Due to the inability and willingness to see the problems at face value the Swedish government is forcing me and others to make changes to become some sort of climate activist. I don´t want to, but clearly I have to....
Attached is a letter to the editor at Dagens Nyheter which was published today.

  • Markus Lutteman

    1 w

    Great piece. I read it this weekend and nodded constantly.

    • Simon Bergbom

      1 w

      Great article! Thanks for sharing 🙌

      • Ingmar Rentzhog

        2 w

        Wow. I read your article. And now I see your company is one of our existing partners. making me proud to have your company here. Keep it up!

        Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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