International Fund for Agricultural Development
Climate idea
48 w
Trees can make farms more sustainable – here’s how to help farmers plant more
Incentives have so far benefited large landowners and created lifeless plantations.
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And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
How does this work?
46 w
This is commendable.. planting trees has always been one of the most important activities that will help save the planet.
48 w
Making people know the importance of the conservation is a commendable remark!
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It's worth educating people about carbon credits. Great idea!
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Great idea, planting trees is noble investment that goes a long way in creating a stable ecosystem.
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Nice piece
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By planting trees on the farms, it can create a harmonious ecosystem that promotes biodiversity