- I had some ideas during the last 10 years of my activity as an inventor after becoming a pensioner from my 32 years of patent examiner career by the EPO, these ideas were nearly all of them published through Facebook and LinkedIn where I was a member and I had lots of followers, until one day some unbelieving members started to attack my writings and declared me as “someone not leaving any space for others, even if they don’t want to believe as he does !” and I was kicked off all social media in one go ! Now I must try to make a small comeback with this international place, seemingly trying to join all people, willing to see some more decades of a “living” planet, which seems to me, I am very sorry to say, a dream which will never become a reality. Why? There are many ways to explain why it is really too late to go on dreaming and trying afterwards put some of our dreams into practice with the general and honest hope that these will change the decadence of a nature which has already lost 60-80% of its life giving means and goes on like a terminal patient with extra oxygen machinery and painkillers like we have all seen, attached on their backs, waiting when they would be called by the Lord.
- Even if you would try to collect all the trash, this earth did produce without any thinking at all, during the last 100 years, included the mountains of car debris and their rubber tires, and all the swimming one’s filling and over saturating all our seas, oceans, channels, everywhere where is water, killing all the living therein, slowly but surely, and by a process I thought about, using big trash breakers, transforming all this worldly-rubbish into a very fine powder, which when mixed with Polymers, could be moulded into into any shape of anything we use everyday, but also in bricks, to build new cities, very cheap to inhabit, because of the ease of material providing…
- Even if you wanted to build up vertical Helium balloons, containing robotic farmers, providing for tons of veggies of all types each week, by planting and growing and harvesting these greenery in an helicoidal way, always receiving enough sunlight and provided with ground, fertilizers, watering for all the hundreds of meters of these vertical-farms which should arise from each country in many places…
- Even if you look for a new energy source and for its harvesting and you end up, like I did in 2014 when I did present it at the Mr Fuller ‘s international ideas competition, using Nanotechnology & fase changing Polymers, to create a e-magnetic powerhouse as e.g. a road surface covering, receiving its e-energy from solar panels and providing this energy to activate all electrical motors of all possible vehicles, driving on this surface by using identically fabricated wheels, to travel non stop during daytime and by using the accumulated e-energy inside this special Polymer, creating Nano-crustaceans by connecting altogether when activated by e-energy and becoming harder and loosing this energy on-demand, getting softer…
- Even if you would follow these world leaders, blaming the birth-rate as the only reason why everything goes as it does today, completely out of control, and accepted that men of all fast growing nations should be castrated on chemical ways, to provide the world with enough food and drinking water, for a new world where all the works, the people getting naturally older and not getting any men-helpers, should be done by Humanoid robots, very good friends of the rest of the once, by men & women dominated world, ending in great disasters never thought of…
- Even if you would build new cities in relatively peaceful and never occupied areas of our globe, like in deserts, seashores, rocky surfaces and mountains by using new foundation systems, only by using a very strong but flexible sok-like foundation hovering all materials its automated ground-moving head did pulverize by its passage, using all this natural trash as ballast to keep any building firmly on its place…
- Even if you may understand the reality that technically it should be possible to stop moving all the content of any rooms of any building facing a major earthquake and by doing this, through a system of on Polymer foams based “Poly-bag” system, expending very quickly and becoming harder in no time, saving by this way thousands of lives and even preventing the collapse of many buildings…
- Even if you accept that if we could spray, over all still existing green spaces, all the woods and forests in danger of becoming destroyed by bushfires in a nearby future, with a solution which would never harm living organisms but by generating a foam layer, would prevent directly and very efficiently the starting and spreading of any fires…
- Even if you would prefer giving all your millions of Dollars to some organization, saying that they are able to save you from all the impossible to stop and impossible to turn back troubles of this world, by promising for you a new life on a planet like Mars or other ones, only preparing for you a distant graveyard where you would certainly die much unhappily than on earth, that you left behinds full of egoism to gain some more years to your life, or not ?
- In anyway we are all going through this time and we should expect even worse things happen in the coming decades if there’ll be more decades to come, nobody knows, Only God, the Creator of everything, seen and unseen, having an everlasting life, being an Invisible, Unlimited, Spirit capable of everything as He is the Living God everyone should believe in, but unfortunately 90% of the world population reject, by their too scientific own standards as highly educated people or by being already caught by other ideas, generated by many other religious beliefs, all being “man-made”, contrary to the Christianity, directly offered to all of us by God Himself, and according to the Holy Bible, directly inspired by The Holy Spirit of God, we are going to disappear all from the surface of this earth in a period of a pair of thousands of years, leaving to Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to build on this spot, in His Universe, a new World, habited by the soul’s of all believers in Him and in His life-changing teachings from His Holy Bible.
- You may directly conclude that I am a dreamer and I try to put on writing my impossible dreams to get people under pressure to follow Jesus Christ as our possible Savior from this impossible chaos wherein we all sit, now. Yes you are completely right in saying that these are dreams of mini and mega magnitude, if any one of them were tried in its reality, they could indeed gain for us some decades of what easier life, but because no one would dare to take any initiative in their direction, they would stay all dreams, but only the presence of that God, The Holy Father of all living, having air in their longs and whom are all called to believe in Him, to join for ever and ever His family of believers, in The Heaven’s, to start a new life full of all happiness and health we could never find here on earth, today. The thinking fails in two points completely, first we are all free in our decision taking and joining or not any spiritual streaming on this present world, no body can force no body or better said, shouldn’t force, as many does with terrible results as we all know, the second is that, we believe in Our Christian belief, that God is Able and Nothing is Impossible for Him, therefore we all pray to Him day and night, for our Forgiveness's and Salvation, something which He may accord, to change this all “Earthly-Chaos & Natural-Catastrophy”, in one go as He created from nothing everything, He can also easily stop everything, seemingly out of their balance for us humans, but never for Him ! Never forget, God is not a top magician but an Endless Spirit, the Lord of lords, the King of kings, with such a loving heart that His only Holy Purpose of being and His only Holy Aim is To give to all of the humans, the possibility to be Forgiven forever from the old Wrath they received from God, by following the big liar and the big deceiver of all mankind, since it’s creation, the enemy of God and of each of us. It’s for only this reason that the man-God Jesus Christ died on that cross and got resurrected by His Father God and later called to His Right Hand by God, to open this impossible to imagine Holly Escape Route for all believers of this world. Amen