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As I was speaking to a colleague about the renewable energy transformation we're currently experiencing, both of us realized that Swedish innovations, techniques and clean energy companies are everywhere. Northvolt is building the world's greenest battery cell. Azelio is developing a thermal energy storage solution that could overcome many of the issues of accessibility of renewable energy. SaltX has developed a proven technique to store energy in salt. Epishine is developing printed solar cells that could be integrated in windows and plastic products. The list goes on. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) Sweden is a global leader in building a low-carbon economy, with the lowest share of fossil fuels in its primary energy supply among all IEA member countries, and the second-lowest carbon-intensive economy. But still, policy incentives, investments and tax regulations are still lacking within the clean energy scene in Sweden. The combination of entrepreneurial innovation and good prior conditions could really put Sweden in the leading position in the clean and renewable energy transition. We could be the Silicon Valley of renewable energy solutions. This cannot occur, however, without investments that support these innovative companies. The government of Sweden should take this opportunity and: (1) identify the influential energy sector champions, (2) establish operational structures to drive collaboration, and (3) more clearly define specific milestones in the upgraded INDCs. This would not only boost the global energy transition but also attract investors, entrepreneurs and innovators. As the pandemic has opened a window of opportunity, Stefan Löfven and his government should grasp this opportunity to make Sweden the Silicon Valley of renewable energy. Do you have other clean energy champions with an interesting and scalable solution? Northvolt: https://northvolt.com/ Azelio: https://www.azelio.com/ SaltX: https://saltxtechnology.com/ Epishine: https://www.epishine.com/
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And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
How does this work?
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Just go ahead💚
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let's do it
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It would also be interesting to know if there are any other countries that have implemented policies and organizational structures that support innovations, to take inspiration from.
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What other companies and initiatives should be included? I think https://www.eolusvind.com/?lang=en is a clear example in Sweden.
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I would also put more stress on training and educating the workforce on the climate issues.
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Yes definitely. And re-educating people in unsustainable professions so that they can work in sustainable sectors. We need to make sure that everyone can contribute!
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Fully agreed. Sweden has so many entrepeneurs with scaleable, hands-on solutions to the energy problem. We need to support them as well as we can.