Climate love
Image of Atlant Fonder

Atlant Fonder

Climate love

Atlant Fonder will expand exclusion criteria for fossil fuels.

Great news in Atlant Fonder sustainability report: ”In 2021, Atlant Fonder will expand exclusion criteria for fossil fuels. Today, companies whose sales from coal exceed 10 percent are excluded. The goal is to exclude all companies that receive more than five percent from production or distribution from fossil fuels. The process of selling such companies in our funds has been started.” Read more (in Swedish):

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Atlant Fonder


161 w

Hi Ingmar, We don't feel like a company that is a frontrunner in sustainable development. To us this is more about what is becoming the new normal. Many of our funds' possessions consist of concentrated possessions in Nordic corporate bonds which means that we can affect director groups when it comes to sustainability directly in discussions during their financing rounds. However, we have noticed that it's not much use to try and affect many of the Nordic companies that deal in oil extraction into completely abandoning their main operations. Considering the challenges we face, we have therefore decided not to invest in these kinds of companies at all. If more investors do that, this will lead to higher costs of capital acquisitions for these companies. If all goes well, this will mean that it becomes expensive for the companies to keep up their operations, and that this will drive development towards other alternatives in the energy sector. Regards, Peter Beckman Atlant Fonder

  • Atlant Fonder


    161 w

    Hi Ingmar, We don't feel like a company that is a frontrunner in sustainable development. To us this is more about what is becoming the new normal. Many of our funds' possessions consist of concentrated possessions in Nordic corporate bonds which means that we can affect director groups when it comes to sustainability directly in discussions during their financing rounds. However, we have noticed that it's not much use to try and affect many of the Nordic companies that deal in oil extraction into completely abandoning their main operations. Considering the challenges we face, we have therefore decided not to invest in these kinds of companies at all. If more investors do that, this will lead to higher costs of capital acquisitions for these companies. If all goes well, this will mean that it becomes expensive for the companies to keep up their operations, and that this will drive development towards other alternatives in the energy sector. Regards, Peter Beckman Atlant Fonder

    • We Don't Have Time




      161 w

      Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Atlant Fonder and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

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