Here's the superhero of understandings about the environment: water vapor is the major greenhouse gas. Before industrialization, the landscape was largely forested and in grasslands and pastoral fields. With the advent of paving, industrial farming, and deforestation, not only have we increased erosion and desertification, but we have almost completely disrupted the transpiration cycle that draws humidity from the atmosphere and allows it to cycle over and over again as rain and water vapor. Water is in movement via the plants communities all over the planet, there are no huge build ups like what we now call atmospheric rivers and cyclone bombs. The answers are embarrassingly simple, as Permaculture teacher Bill Mollison said. Re-greening the planet is the concept behind regenerative farming, holistic grazing, greening the desert projects, green roofs, and other nature-based strategies. Letting keystone species like beaver do their natural work is following along with the way nature evolved over billions of years. We don't need technology as much as we need a better understanding of how ecology's work and how much we benefit from nature-based solutions.