Stanislav Kaltays's post

💥Scientists have recorded the start of a new solar cycle before the end of the current one. 🔸A new cycle of activity is already brewing inside the Sun. The first signs of the next 11-year solar cycle have been detected in sound waves inside our star, even though it has only passed half of its current cycle. (…) 🔸25th in a row, the activity cycle is set to reach a solar maximum in 2025. Sunspots, flares and coronal mass ejections become more intense during solar maximum. This leads to a surge of electromagnetic energy rushing towards Earth and makes the aurorae visible more frequently and at lower latitudes. 🔸 Thanks to the method of helioseismology, the temperature in different layers of the Sun, its rotation speed, and the composition of the core have been accurately measured. And now helioseismology has helped to look into the future, to catch the first signs of a new solar cycle. The new cycle, labeled Cycle 26, is still very cautious. #CreativeSociety #climate #climatecrisis #scientist #science #tuesdayvibe #TuesdayBlessings #Tuesday #TuesdayFeeling #tuesdaypreparations #TuesdayMotivaton #LETSWINTHIS #TuesdayThoughts #14YearsOfOneDirection #WWERaw

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