Image of Koné Djénéba

Andrew Karim's post


I'm the founder of Active Kinetic 1 an emerging new clean energy technology. While visiting the Wave energy Scotland conference in December 2023, I found a concept prototype that resembled my own cleantech Active Kinetic 1 which produces real electricity from movement.
The Active Kinetic 1 prototype shown in this example produces energy from the push of a single finger. It could be scaled up to generate far more energy from the people walking to the weight of a moving vehicle!
Soon we will be starting a Go Fund Me and looking for support to bring these technologies into real world applications, which is no small task.
So far I have self funded the energy technology and you can see the many clean energy prototypes created by visiting the website:

By donating to Active Kinetic 1 you are investing in a clean healthy future where abundant energy can be accessible anytime and anywhere.

Visit our donation page to find out how you can support us. Many Thanks, Andrew Karim
    Image of kone_djeneba

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