SaveClimate.Earth e.V.'s post

📢 Climate protection without additional regulatory increases: The personal carbon trading model!
A recent study shows that a majority of Germans are calling on politicians to step up climate protection. However, when it comes to sanctioning climate-damaging behavior through higher prices, this is met with rejection.
An ambivalent relationship that should give us food for thought. This is the result of a recent study conducted by the opinion research institute Pollytix on behalf of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. 71% of respondents encourage politicians to actually adhere to climate targets once they have been agreed. At the same time, 49% believe that higher prices are a bad idea to reduce climate-damaging behavior.
❗How can we resolve this contradiction and promote effective climate protection?
➡️ Read the answer in this article of the ECOlogical blog by SaveClimate.Earth, a german NGO for climate protection and EU-Climate Pact Ambassador since 2021.

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