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We need “climate adaptation” to protect our shared ecosystems! 🪴
Climate adaptation highlights how different actions are used by different communities and individuals across the world as they face climate vulnerability. These efforts are invaluable.
☝️In El Salvador and India, we see the actions, leadership and resilience of frontline communities, often led by women. These communities are using nature-based solutions to protect biodiversity and to safeguard our collective futures.
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  • Patrick Kiash

    12 w

    The way you share this information via slides makes it more easily digestible. Thank you for sharing, information is power.

    • Sarah Chabane

      12 w

      Super interesting, hadn't heard about the sponge city before

      • Rashid Kamau

        12 w

        Adaptation is a critical component of the long-term global response to climate change


        Re-watch Climate Week NYC