Climate warning
Image of Gladys Berejiklian

Gladys Berejiklian

Climate warning

Save Australia’s Koalas from Extinction! 🐨

Dear premier, As I am sure you know, we lost an estimated 5000 koalas in last years devastating Australian bushfires! Despite the fact that we lost over 2 million hectares of koala habitat we continue to destroy what little habitat these helpless animals have left. The NSW state-owned logging agency forestry corporation has been continuing to log unburnt koala habitat for months! Stop logging our old growth forest! Without government intervention, Koalas could become extinct by 2050 🐨💔 The evidence is seemingly obvious. Reports warn that if this destructive, unethical, immoral human activity does not come to an end then our beloved iconic Koala may face extinction within the next 30 years. We demand an end to these destructive behaviours. I believe that you will make the right decision. Thank you. Petition: See more info:

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  • Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

    133 w

    Dear, I refer to your correspondence regarding koalas and climate change that was forwarded to the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Hon Matt Kean MP. Your correspondence was referred to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) and I have been asked to reply. Koalas are an iconic species in NSW and a totem for many Aboriginal communities across the state. The threats to koalas are well known and the survival of the species in NSW has long been a concern. The Black Summer bushfires in 2019–20 exacerbated existing threats, and it is estimated that between 5,000 and 8,000 koalas in NSW were lost in the fires. Minister Kean is committed to doubling our precious koala population by 2050. The NSW Government recently announced more than $193 million in funding to meet this goal. This is the single largest investment in koala conservation in Australia. Through an updated Koala Strategy, the NSW Government will continue to secure and restore habitat to support the growth and build our knowledge of koala populations. The Government will also mitigate other known threats to koala populations, targeting conservation efforts where they will deliver the most effective outcomes. It is the Minister’s intention to release this strategy in the near future. Further information about Government action to protect koalas in NSW can be found at The NSW Government also appreciates your concerns about the social and economic impacts of addressing climate change. As you may be aware, countries and companies around the world have committed to taking action on climate change and this is driving a huge amount of change in global investment risk and opportunity. Countries, cities and regions that collectively account for more than 50 per cent of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) have now adopted net zero targets. Australia’s three biggest trading partners, China, Japan and South Korea, have all committed to net zero emissions targets. It’s important that NSW manages the risk this poses to our economy and takes advantages of new opportunities. That’s why the NSW Government has committed to taking decisive and responsible action to reduce emissions in a way that grows our economy, reduces the cost of living and creates opportunities for our local businesses to retain a competitive advantage. The Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020-2030 is the foundation for NSW’s action on climate change and goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050. It outlines the NSW Government’s plan to protect our future by growing the economy, creating jobs and reducing emissions over the next decade. The plan aims to strengthen the prosperity and quality of life of the people of New South Wales, while helping to achieve the State’s objective to deliver a 50% cut in emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. The plan will support a range of initiatives targeting energy, electric vehicles, hydrogen, primary industries, technology, built environment, carbon financing and organic waste. Further information about NSW Government action on climate change is available at Cristien Hickey Director Climate Change and Air Policy

    • Muhammad Fahd Khan

      133 w

      It seems that you are taking some good measures. I hope all the targets you have set may have significant positive impact. I see that there are a couple of reports available on both the links you have shared. I skimmed through them and I would like to ask you to share an impact report (if there is one) which may inform us about the short term impacts so far.

    • Gladys Berejiklian

      137 w

      Thank you for your correspondence regarding climate change. I am replying on behalf of the Premier and I appreciate you expressing your views on this matter. As the matter raised falls under the primary responsibility of the Minister for Energy and the Environment, it is appropriate that the Minister considers your correspondence and I have forwarded it accordingly. If you have any further enquiries about this matter, please contact the Office of The Hon Matthew Kean MP on (02) 8574 6150. Thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to the Government’s attention. Yours sincerely Samara Dobbins Deputy Secretary, People and Operations Group

      • Ingmar Rentzhog

        137 w

        Looking forward to read the minister's answer.

        • Joel

          137 w

          @Rentzhog I am connected with him on LinkedIn, will share this post with him now.

          • Muhammad Fahd Khan

            137 w

            @joel_courtidis_160 good idea!

            • Markus Lutteman

              137 w

              Thank you for replying and joining the climate dialogue!

            • We Don't Have Time

              137 w

              Dear Joel Courtidis Thank you for getting your climate warning to level 2! We have reached out to Gladys Berejiklian and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

              • Johannes Luiga

                193 w

                Truly sad!!

                • Oskar Lindgren

                  194 w

                  Would be a terrible loss (as with any biodiversity loss or extinction of animals). I really hope this petitions reaches the premier!

                  • Muhammad Fahd Khan

                    194 w

                    This is criminal level logging.

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